Carolina Skeletons
A man re-examines the 1930′s murder of two South Carolina white girls to clear the name of the accused black boy. As his innocence is uncovered, potential witnesses suddenly begin to die, the Klan threatens him, and he learns that 30 years later, bigotry still dictates justice in South Carolina.
Starring: Louis Gossett, Jr., Bruce Dern, Mellissa Chessington Leo
Drama, 93 minutes, 1991
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A man re-examines the 1930′s murder of two South Carolina white girls to clear the name of the accused black boy. As his innocence is uncovered, potential witnesses suddenly begin to die, the Klan threatens him, and he learns that 30 years later, bigotry still dictates justice in South Carolina.
Starring: Louis Gossett, Jr., Bruce Dern, Mellissa Chessington Leo
Drama, 93 minutes, 1991
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Multicom Entertainment Group Website: Multicom.TV
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