Under Our Spell is a song from MLP: Equestria Girls Rainbow Rock! (Video from Hasbro Studios) ▻For more videos: .\r
From My Little pony Equestria girls : Rainbow Rocks Song : Under Our Spell Written by : Daniel Ingram.\r
This is the third song from the MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) which is now available on iTunes! This is a great .\r
Under Our Spell” (Movie Version) from the movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks based on the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is .
From My Little pony Equestria girls : Rainbow Rocks Song : Under Our Spell Written by : Daniel Ingram.\r
This is the third song from the MLP: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) which is now available on iTunes! This is a great .\r
Under Our Spell” (Movie Version) from the movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks based on the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is .
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