• 10 years ago
LAS VEGAS — The first Democratic debate wasn't quite the bloodbath we had hoped for, but it was pretty darn good. Hillary Clinton stood strong and Bernie Sanders made sure people were "feeling the Bern."

As for the other guys, Jim Webb spent most of his energy begging for air time, Martin O'Malley faded away with a plan for 2050 and Lincoln Chafee (remember him?) was there too. Most of the questions and attention were directed at party favorite Hillary Clinton and top contender Bernie Sanders. Candidates remained focused on the bigger issues, for the most part.

When Chafee returned to his Republican roots and chided Clinton over her email scandal, Sanders eschewed the opportunity to land a low-blow. Instead, he said he's sick and tired of hearing about her damn emails. That drew a standing ovation from the crowd. Sanders wasn't as kind to Clinton regarding her vote for the Iraq war in 2002.

Regarding Syria, Clinton said we need to stand up against Vladimir Putin's bullying. She also took shots at Sanders' record on gun control. "It's time our country stood up to the NRA," Clinton said.

Sanders stressed the importance of standing up to Wall Street's "casino capitalism." He even suggested Wall Street controls Congress, not the other way around.

Anderson Cooper tried passing the legalization dutchie to Clinton, joking that everyone in the room had smoked weed at some point. Clinton refused take a position.


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