Christian website condones marital rape, compares unwilling wives to Medusa

  • 9 years ago
'MERICA — Christian blog "Biblical Gender Roles" is facing backlash after suggesting that married men should not tolerate their wives' refusal to have sex, and gives some atrocious advice for how to deal with problems of unwillingness to get it on in the marriage bed.

The writer, who uses the pen name Larry Solomon wrote: " as a husband should not tolerate refusal. If your wife says "NO" and slaps your hand away that is a disrespectful and unloving response by your wife to your sexual initiation and there is no sin in you trying to initiate sex with your wife."

If she resists Solomon says husbands should "focus your eyes on her body, not her face. Focus on the visual pleasure you receive from looking at her body and physical pleasure you receive from being inside your wife."

He goes on to write: "I know you love your wife, most men love their wives. But sin is ugly. Your beautiful bride's face becomes ugly during this sinful time that she is grudgingly giving you sex as she grimaces wanting you to 'just hurry up and get it over with.'"

In response to all the backlash, Solomon told the Daily Mail "Maybe instead of women being so angry at this post for telling men to look away from their wife's face if she gives them sex with a bad attitude, they should change that face to one that is pleasant to look upon so he does not have to turn away."

"Maybe they could do the right thing (have sex with their husband when he needs it), with the right attitude as well? Is that so hard to understand?" he added.

Some netizens see his advice as condoning marital rape, and ignoring a woman's right to say no to sex with anyone. Marital rape has been illegal in the United States since 1993, and so if a wife is faking it, or doesn't want it, husbands might still go to jail no matter what 'Larry Solomon' thinks the bible says.


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