Man raped a woman with a paper envelope to exorcise her dead baby’s ghost

  • 9 years ago
TAOYUAN, TAIWAN - In Taiwan, a judge has sentenced a man to 4 years in jail for the manual rape of a university student.

The man, identified by his last name Chen, had convinced a 20 year old university student that she was being haunted by the ghost of a baby she’d aborted less than a year ago. Chen then told the student he had the power to exorcise the ghost baby. She just had to trust him.

Chen drove the student out to a secluded area and then placed a red envelope over his fingers and stuffed the envelope inside her va-jay-jay. The woman developed an infection and after seeing a doctor reported Chen for rape.

In court Chen claimed he’d only touched the woman ‘down there’ and he hadn’t actually raped her. Chen demanded that the judge bump the charge down to sexual molestation.

The judge disagreed and sentenced him to 4 years in jail, since Chen had used the same tactic 15 years ago on a high school student.


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