In bid for more aid, Netanyahu evokes cost of America's wars

  • 9 years ago
Seeking to bolster his bid for increased military assistance from the US, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday compared the annual sum provided to Israel to what Washington has spent on its military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Israel deeply appreciates US military aid to Israel, he continued, adding that during his meeting earlier in the day with President Barack Obama, he had discussed a new memorandum of understanding that would regulate the assistance for the coming decade.
“The president today said supporting Israel is not just important for Israel,” Netanyahu said.
Getting Israel “the tools to defend itself” was one of the key ways to deter Iran, Netanyahu said.
Israel currently receives about $3 billion in military aid per year, but reportedly seeks about $5 billion.
During their meeting at the White House, Obama and Netanyahu reportedly agreed to increase the amount Israel receives per annum.
