IAEA: Iran increased stock of uranium

  • 9 years ago
Iran has increased its stockpile of low-enriched uranium in the last three months, despite the nuclear agreement stipulating that Tehran must reduce its quantities to a level sufficient for research but not for creating a nuclear weapon.
The assessment was in a report presented Wednesday by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency to members of the UN Security Council and a restricted number of other nations.
The IAEA dsid Iran has started cutting back on nuclear programs, which could have been reengineered into making weapons, in line with the deal reached with the United States, Russia, France, Britain, Germany and China, signed in July.
Officials have been speculating about the speed at which Iran can dismantle the centrifuges, sensitive machines that spin at supersonic speeds to purify uranium to levels at which it can be used as fuel in power stations or, potentially, weapons.
