The trailer of the much awaited magnum opus from Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Bajirao Mastani is out. And it is a visual eye candy of the biggest kind. With Bajirao, Mastani and Kashibai shown in full splendor, the love triangle between the three historical figures in Indian history is something to watch out for. With Deepika shown as a woman who knows to love her man as well as wield a sword, and the Peshwa shown as a determined, aggressive confident ruler, the hues of Kashibai as the first wife who may have been neglected comes out in the initial glimpses of the movie.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali is famous for his extravagant sets and glamorous screen presence of the actors and he has done full justice to their capabilities. With a finishing adage at the end of the trailer one is almost taken through a full story in the trailer. Bajirao played by Ranveer, is something that would show the quality of the movie to be released. Certainly something to look out for.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali is famous for his extravagant sets and glamorous screen presence of the actors and he has done full justice to their capabilities. With a finishing adage at the end of the trailer one is almost taken through a full story in the trailer. Bajirao played by Ranveer, is something that would show the quality of the movie to be released. Certainly something to look out for.
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