Man sagt, der Teufel spielt mit menschlichen Seelen. Und genau das macht Dr. Fu Manchu. The Golden God of Dr. Fu Manchu: Die unbarmherzige Jagd nach .\r
Classic movies and TV series in english and german. Charlie Chan, The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu, Edgar Wallace, Don Camillo und Peppone, Louis de .\r
Dr. Fu Manchu has stolen a deadly collection of germ cultures from a laboratory in San Francisco and plans to smuggle them.
Classic movies and TV series in english and german. Charlie Chan, The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu, Edgar Wallace, Don Camillo und Peppone, Louis de .\r
Dr. Fu Manchu has stolen a deadly collection of germ cultures from a laboratory in San Francisco and plans to smuggle them.
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