• 10 years ago
400 shqiptare diagnostikohen çdo vit si te prekur nga kanceri i sistemit nervor. Rritja e numrit te ketyre pacienteve vitet e fundit nuk po njeh ndalje.
Mjeket parashikojne nje te ardhme edhe me te frikshme, pasi ne kete shifer nuk perfshihen personat qe nuk e kane zbuluar ende qe kane nje tumor ne koke. Nje studim te tille ka bere Anglia, ku rezultoi se 100 mije britanike nuk e dinin qe qelizat kancerogjene ju kishin prekur trurin. Shqiptaret jane gjithmone e me te prirur per t`u sëmurur per shkak te ketyre faktorëve. Por përveç numrit te larte te te semureve me kancer, problem ne Shqipëri mbetet mortaliteti. Mjeket dhe kirurget e spitalit te neurologjisë theksuan ne seminarin per semundjet kanceroze se ne Shqipëri mungon edhe kultura per mjekun, tek i cili duhet te shkosh te pakten nje here ne vit edhe nese nuk ke asnje shqetesim ne trup.

Albanian 400 diagnosed each year as affected by cancer of the nervous system. Increasing the number of these patients in recent years knows not stop.
Doctors predict a future even more frightening, because this figure does not include persons who have not discovered yet who have a tumor in the head. One such study has been England, which showed that 100 thousand British do not you know that cancer cells had affected the brain. Albanians are increasingly more likely, to be sick because of these factors. But besides the high number of patients with cancer, mortality remains a problem in Albania. Physicians and surgeons of the Hospital for Neurology in the seminar stressed that the cancerous disease in Bangladesh lacks the culture to a doctor, who must go at least once a year even if you do not have any disturbance in the body.


