French economy already hurting from attacks, survey finds

The attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds more is hurting the French economy at a time when the wider 19-country eurozone appears to be growing at the fastest pace in four and a half years, a closely watched survey suggested Monday.
In an early snapshot of economic activity during November, financial information company Markit has found that service providers reported that the terrorist attacks in Paris had "negatively impacted on activity."
Partly because of that, Markit said its purchasing managers' index for France a broad gauge of business activity fell to a 3-month low in November of 51.3 points from 52.6 the previous month.
The drop takes the French economy nearer the 50 point level, which is the threshold separating economic expansion and contraction.
The figures are prone to revision following further assessments, with the final results due in early December.