Even as they win again, Patriots are looking vulnerable

  • 9 years ago
The Revenge Tour has become the Survival Tour.
The Patriots just got their butts kicked by both the Giants and Bills . . . and won both games because the other guys could not finish the job.
How many more weeks can we count on the other guys mismanaging the clock, making stupid decisions, overthrowing open receivers, clanging field goal attempts off the uprights, dropping passes in the end zone, and botching interceptions?
I know this sounds kooky, and we have different expectations around here, but have you ever seen an undefeated team look as vulnerable as these Patriots at this hour?
Put it this way: Are you as confident in these Patriots as you were in 2007 when they beat the Bills, on the road, by a score of 56-10 to improve to 10-0?
Because of injuries on the offensive side of the ball, these Patriots are not playing their best football as the season lurches toward Thanksgiving.
