want more videos? ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤Share : ➤Tweet : See Ive never been so sad and shocked .\r
See, Ive never been so sad and shocked while filming, as I was for the First Call, and the Last Stop Racism Social experiment. I hope this video will make you .\r
This video will not stop racism, were aware of that. But the more effort we put into getting the message out there, the higher the chance is. Racism affects every .\r
I originally came up with this concept following the early death of Trayvon Martin. Not knowing what I was trying to get across or say, I chose to hold off.
See, Ive never been so sad and shocked while filming, as I was for the First Call, and the Last Stop Racism Social experiment. I hope this video will make you .\r
This video will not stop racism, were aware of that. But the more effort we put into getting the message out there, the higher the chance is. Racism affects every .\r
I originally came up with this concept following the early death of Trayvon Martin. Not knowing what I was trying to get across or say, I chose to hold off.