Trump mocks disabled reporter and lies about ever knowing him

  • 9 years ago
MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA — Donald Trump has put his foot in his mouth yet again — unfortunately his supporters don't mind. It's been a nutty week for Trump: first he claimed he saw "thousands of people cheering" in New Jersey after the 9/11 attacks, and then crudely mocked journalist Serge Kovaleski, while referencing an article he wrote in 2001.

The Pulitzer Prize winning reporter has a chronic condition that limits the use of his arm. Trump defended himself by saying he had never met Kovaleski and wasn't aware of his disability. Kovaleski said, "Donald and I were on a first-name basis for years." Trump fired back, accusing the reporter of "grandstanding about his disability."

And just days ago, Trump retweeted a meme spreading false statistics about race and murder, citing a source that doesn't even exist. It's hard to believe that Trump remains the front-runner for the Republican candidacy.

Meanwhile, John Kasish has turned into the GOP's attack dog with a Reductio ad Hitlerum campaign ad.

Sadly, Trump loyalists don't support their loudmouth leader because of facts, logic or reason. They will continue choking down The Donald's crap-talk as long as there's a steady supply. Sadly, Trump shows no sign of slowing his verbal-diarrhea anytime soon.


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