Bugs & Bad Programming - Final Episode - Agegate is Broken, so I can't gate this. Strong Language.

  • 9 years ago
(Note, the other videos will update as normal throughout the week - consider this an immediate patch)

I rage on this game.

Yes, I screwed up, but so did the game. Lots of problems with the 256 limit. Problems with enemies spawning right next to me and killing me no matter where I move.

Most of what you see here is the test run, The other runs where I made it to him after running through Zone 4 are gone because I swear way too much and I had the mic on.

This game was great up until this nonsense. There is a difference between naturally difficult, and unfair difficult. Using the RNG to determine HOW things will appear and attack is absolute bs unless you are given a continue. No continue here, and this is on normal. FAILING to watch your sprite limit is unbelievably amateurish for ANY developer.

To make matters worse, a number of people told me some of these bugs should NOT have happened, and yet this is the most recent gog.com build.

I regret purchasing this game because of how shitty the final boss encounter is implemented.