uman sexual behaviour had been studied, since the late 1940s, by Alfred Kinsey, another American researcher. But Kinseys work was sociological, not medical.\r
From Americas earliest days, sex has shaped and defined our country. From the Puritan mandatory sex rule for married couples to Ben Franklins racy .\r
From Americas earliest days, sex has shaped and defined our country. From the Puritan mandatory sex rule for married couples to Ben Franklins racy newspa.\r
How Sex Changed the World - Americas Sex Pioneers (HD) Season 1 - Episode 1.
From Americas earliest days, sex has shaped and defined our country. From the Puritan mandatory sex rule for married couples to Ben Franklins racy .\r
From Americas earliest days, sex has shaped and defined our country. From the Puritan mandatory sex rule for married couples to Ben Franklins racy newspa.\r
How Sex Changed the World - Americas Sex Pioneers (HD) Season 1 - Episode 1.
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