ちいさなプリンセス ソフィア にんぎょのともだち Ariel: すずきまゆみ Suzuki Mayumi 家族や友達助けたかったら 難しく思えても 諦めちゃダメよ.\r
Sofia: Coco Urbanus Ariel: Laura Vlasblom.\r
Sofia : Damla Babacan (speaking) and Deniz Sujana (singing) Ariel : Begüm Günceler.\r
Princess Ariels appearance on Sofia the First. This version is the original, other versions posted on YouTube have a higher pitch. Ariel is voiced by Jodi Benson.
Sofia: Coco Urbanus Ariel: Laura Vlasblom.\r
Sofia : Damla Babacan (speaking) and Deniz Sujana (singing) Ariel : Begüm Günceler.\r
Princess Ariels appearance on Sofia the First. This version is the original, other versions posted on YouTube have a higher pitch. Ariel is voiced by Jodi Benson.
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