• 10 years ago
Kill La Kill has been an incredibly popular anime over the last few years but it deals with some very uncomfortable issues and feels inappropriate for certain audiences.

Kill La Kill has been around since 2013 and has built a very strong fan base. It has great animation and an interesting story, but there is a lot in the anime that will probably make you cringe and feel all pervy. Katie tries to explain to Mark why Kill La Kill is so great but why he might not want to check it out.

Are you a fan of Kill La Kill? What do you like about it? Who do you think is the right audience for the anime? Who is your favorite character? What episode or scene made you feel the most uncomfortable?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Anime is an increasingly popular form of entertainment throughout the world. Sometimes crazy changes are made as they are adapted for audiences in different countries. Every week tune into Anime Vice for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn't know!

