Click the Caption button to activate subtitle! ------------------------------------------------ - Ep.38: Ga-eun is set on finding Jinguk, even more so because of Dalja .\r
Click the Caption button to activate subtitle! ------------------------------------------------ - Ep.39: Jeongeun stays out all night. Ga-eun waits for her at her work the next .\r
Click the Caption button to activate subtitle! ------------------------------------------------ - Ep.32: Daeho somehow ends up at Mansus and the two men get into an .
Click the Caption button to activate subtitle! ------------------------------------------------ - Ep.39: Jeongeun stays out all night. Ga-eun waits for her at her work the next .\r
Click the Caption button to activate subtitle! ------------------------------------------------ - Ep.32: Daeho somehow ends up at Mansus and the two men get into an .
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