Opening Mondays - Final Week 8 - Praise our lord

  • 9 yıl önce

I'm a bit tired of fighting the copyright claims everytime i upload a new Opening Mondays so instead i will replace them by another kind of video that i will start doing. You guys will still have the Top 10s weekly, but it'll give me breather to not have these to do as well.

Keep note since these are copyrighted material, even though i talk over them and therefore make this work my own, it's more than likely copyright strikes may still apply due to these song being trademarked and youtube bots being youtube bots. So If the video ever get audio cut out / Blocked in certain country, i will do everything i can to fix it, but sometimes it can take up to a month and there's nothing i can do about it, let's just hope and cross our fingers so nothing get strike.

In this Opening Mondays week 8, i will take 5 opening, stitch them back to back in a simple editing, nothing fancy. As usual they're in a hud to help avoid the copyright claims. I took the most requested opening you guys asked for from that anime along with 2 of my choices. So if you're disappointed in the decision, it's the other viewers you'll have to blame, not me :)

Make sure to tell me which Anime you would like to see in next week's Opening Monday. If you're too lazy to choose something it's gonna be my pick. Stay tuned for this week-end Top 10. You guys take care and you know... Beware of pianos 0_o...

The thumbnail is from Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai.

I KNOW SOME OF YOU GUYS ARE BLIND AS A BAT. But the titles of each anime is placed in the top left corner when the clip plays.

Dont forget to allow me a few seconds to enable the annotations once the video is online. You guys carry strong and i will see you next week with the Next Top 10! You got some good stuff to watch meanwhile anyway... they got the Misty seal's of approval!
For those still wondering about my accent : i'm French Canadian :) my english is not perfect but it has to do ^^.


Before people start asking, i never put the list of my choice in the description. There's a reason for that. I work extremely hard on doing every top ten (about 30-40 hours per video) and if the list is in the description, people just read the list and dont watch my video. This way i kinda force you to watch it (even though you can skim through it at fastforward pace but still it gives me a better satisfaction)

Keep in mind
