• 10 years ago
Drama (1940) 84 minutes ~ Black & White

Three wealthy heads of an engineering firm (Harry Carry Sr., C. Aubrey Smith & Charles Winninger) decide to do a little matchmaking. Growing older and lamenting the lonely existence brought on by the demands of business, the bored trio concocts a plan to invite two strangers over to their mansion for Christmas dinner (Richard Carlson & Jean Parker). Soon enough the strangers become friendly with the wealthy matchmakers. A tragic plane crash however takes the lives of the trio, leaving the couple to carry on by themselves. In time, circumstances conspire to come between the couple and it is at this point that trio comes back into the picture as ghosts. Before going to Heaven, it seems, the spirits must find each other again. Beyond Tomorrow is a delightful film that mixes the supernatural with plenty of holiday spirit.

Director: A. Edward Sutherland

Writers: Adele Comandini (screenplay and original story), Mildred Cram (original story)

Stars: Harry Carey, C. Aubrey Smith and Charles Winninger
00:01:52Regarding Article 47,
00:01:54please note that the stress
00:01:55of the new Pittsburgh formula
00:01:56concrete is checked by
00:01:57determining the value of Fc
00:01:59over BT times KD
00:02:02over 2 times JD comma
00:02:06178,886 times 0.351.
00:02:11No, George, that's 0.315.
00:02:17Make that 0.315 times 11 minus 1.25 times 0.883 times 11.
00:02:31Maximum shear, large V, equals 67765 by 2.
00:02:37Put them down anywhere, Martin, and run along home.
00:02:39We won't be needing you tonight. We're having guests.
00:02:42My hat, my hat, Joseph.
00:02:43Oh, wait a minute, Martin. Merry Christmas.
00:02:46Oh, thank Joseph, thank Joseph.
00:02:47Joseph, Merry Christmas.
00:02:49Square inch. This dress is permissible with anchored reinforcements.
00:02:54Anchored reinforcements, my foot, gentlemen. This is Christmas Eve.
00:02:58Fine thing, come home full of Christmas spirit and find you two grubbing over a lot of blueprints.
00:03:03Why don't you live at the office and be done with it?
00:03:05These specifications have to be finished. Meet Joe and form.
00:03:08Let him be out. You girls run along home.
00:03:11Here, Susie, Merry Christmas.
00:03:14The same to you.
00:03:15Merry Christmas, Susie.
00:03:16Merry Christmas, Mr. Chadwick. Good night.
00:03:19Merry Christmas.
00:03:20Merry Christmas.
00:03:21Merry Christmas.
00:03:22Here, and this is for you, you slave driver.
00:03:27Here you are, Major.
00:03:28Oh, thank you, Michael.
00:03:30Christmas, nothing but a merchant's holiday.
00:03:33Now, what the dickens is this?
00:03:36Look it, here. Every time I take a cigarette, it plays me a tune.
00:03:48Wild Irishman.
00:03:52Oh, I say.
00:03:56Michael, does this mean my pipe's getting too strong, eh?
00:03:59Well, it's no violet.
00:04:03Well, I'll be darned.
00:04:05Well, I suppose this means I'm getting decrepit.
00:04:08No, I tried to find a black snake quip for you, but I had to take that instead.
00:04:12When you're not shaking that over our heads to make us work, you can hobble around on it and enjoy your sciatica.
00:04:17Now, come on, boys, do me a favor and clear up this mess.
00:04:20I'd hate the Van Ripers to know that I lived with a couple of heathens who worked on Christmas Eve.
00:04:25That's right, my Joe. I forgot they were coming.
00:04:27Are Van Ripers coming here?
00:04:29Yes, and I was lucky to get them, too.
00:04:31They're fascinating people. Their world's traveled.
00:04:33They'll give you all the latest news about India, Chad.
00:04:37So, come on. We'd better be getting dressed.
00:04:41Joseph, see that the living room gets cleared up.
00:04:43And mix the Tom and Cherries.
00:04:45Yes, Mr. O'Brien.
00:04:50Come on.
00:05:10It's a lot of childish nonsense.
00:05:12Oh, yes.
00:05:15And liqueurs?
00:05:17Yes, and creme de menthe.
00:05:20Don't forget Randy for Major Chandler.
00:05:23Yes, Excellency.
00:05:26Joseph, remember the last Christmas in St. Petersburg just before the war?
00:05:31Yes, Excellency.
00:05:33Here, Joseph.
00:05:37Spasibo, Excellency.
00:05:41The order of Stanislav for me?
00:05:45You were a great friend to follow me to America, Joseph.
00:05:50It was no longer my Russia without you there, Excellency.
00:06:00Joseph, when I had jewels and lands and palaces,
00:06:08I was often weedy and discontent
00:06:11when everything was taken away except my life.
00:06:16I learned that the way to be really happy is to serve others, to be needed.
00:06:24So, don't be sorry for me or for what was lost.
00:06:29Come. The guests will be here.
00:06:32Yes, Excellency.
00:06:33And nothing will be ready.
00:06:34Madame Tanya!
00:06:35Here, Mr. O'Brien.
00:06:36Will you please fix my tie?
00:06:39You know, I'm all thumbs when it comes to tying a proper bow.
00:06:43And the tail, oh, it's magnificent.
00:06:49Sure, it is magic how you do it.
00:07:03Yes, it really seemed like Christmas in those days.
00:07:09What we should have, George, is a troupe of grandchildren.
00:07:13Yeah, blowing horns and beating drums all over the place, not for me.
00:07:18Ah, well, here's a Merry Christmas to you, anyhow.
00:07:20Merry Christmas.
00:07:21Merry Christmas!
00:07:22Good evening, gentlemen.
00:07:24Christos oscrese.
00:07:26That's for Easter.
00:07:27Oh, Christmas, oh, so it is.
00:07:29Well, a Merry Christmas to you then.
00:07:31You're looking very festive, Madame Tanya.
00:07:33Thank you, Major Chandler.
00:07:35And here is your present.
00:07:37Such a big present.
00:07:39Whatever can it be?
00:07:53I shall have to stop.
00:07:56Well, we thought it would surprise you, but we didn't think it would knock you down.
00:08:00George, get a dormitory for the countess.
00:08:02Oh, now, you must try it on and see how it looks.
00:08:10It's beautiful.
00:08:13But it will keep me no warmer than your kindness has all these years.
00:08:25And don't tell me that doesn't mean your health.
00:08:27It does.
00:08:28Vasha zdorovia and Merry Christmas.
00:08:31Merry Christmas.
00:08:32Merry Christmas.
00:08:35And don't you try to duck out and have a tray in your room.
00:08:38You're sitting at the table.
00:08:40I'll be there.
00:08:42And now I must be looking after things.
00:08:45The guests are very distinguished.
00:08:47And as their hostess, I must see that everything is perfect.
00:09:05Ho, ho, ho, ho.
00:09:10A telegram, sir.
00:09:19What's wrong now?
00:09:21The Van Rippers, they can't come.
00:09:25Well, that's odd at the last moment.
00:09:27Can't be helped. Illness in the family.
00:09:30Illness in the family.
00:09:32I shouldn't have let them know I'd be here.
00:09:37Don't be ridiculous, George.
00:09:39You had nothing to do with it.
00:09:40Didn't I?
00:09:42Oh, I can hear them.
00:09:44George Vale Melton.
00:09:46Isn't he the fellow who was mixed up in the Shreve case?
00:09:50Lack of evidence?
00:09:51Oh, for pity's sake, George.
00:09:53Don't be so sensitive.
00:09:55That's all past and forgotten.
00:09:57Sure it is.
00:09:58And don't flatter yourself that anybody remembers.
00:10:02To tell you the truth, I'm relieved that the Van Rippers are not coming.
00:10:07He's telling the same jokes he told 20 years ago.
00:10:10And she dyes her hair. I think it's a shrimp pink now.
00:10:16I don't know why I asked them to come at all at all.
00:10:22The trouble with us is we're in a rut.
00:10:25Too much work and no play.
00:10:28We don't take time to see our old friends.
00:10:31Yes, not so many of our old friends left, Michael.
00:10:35Well, then we ought to make new ones.
00:10:38What we ought to do is...
00:10:41What we ought to do is...
00:10:44Oh, come on, have a drink.
00:10:51Confusion to our critics and to us.
00:10:54A merry Christmas.
00:10:55Merry Christmas.
00:11:02Merry Christmas.
00:11:15There must be some lonely souls out in that crowd.
00:11:18You're a sentimentalist.
00:11:22I have an idea, Chad.
00:11:24Get out your cards, gentlemen.
00:11:26What are you up to now?
00:11:28These are some of the gift wallets that were left over...
00:11:30with $10 in each of them.
00:11:32Put your cards in them, gentlemen.
00:11:33We'll throw them out of the window...
00:11:34and maybe they'll bring back somebody to have dinner with us.
00:11:37What, strangers out on the street?
00:11:39There are no strangers on Christmas Eve.
00:11:42Besides, it's better than sitting around...
00:11:44and hooting at each other like three old owls in a barn.
00:11:47If not, one of them comes back.
00:11:49I'll take you up on that.
00:11:51Dinner appears for all of us, and the loser pays.
00:11:54You heard Chad. It's a bet.
00:11:56All right, I can't lose.
00:11:58How long do we wait?
00:11:59Win or lose, we dine at 7.
00:12:07St. Anthony.
00:12:09Send us back an honest soul.
00:12:13With an appetite.
00:12:21Mine goes first.
00:12:27It's gone.
00:12:29Your turn, Chad.
00:12:34I can't see without my glasses.
00:12:36All right, you're next, George.
00:12:38Come on, come on. Let it go.
00:12:45Well, I doubt if you'll find anybody worth beating.
00:12:47But if it gets unbearable, George and I...
00:12:49can pop around to the club for a rub of bridge.
00:12:51Don't worry. Nobody will come back with them.
00:12:56You're a man of very little faith, George.
00:12:59Come away from the window before you break the charm.
00:13:11Well, finders keepers.
00:13:13Any money in it?
00:13:15$10 bill.
00:13:17George Vale Mountain.
00:13:19Engraved by Tiffany.
00:13:21He'll never miss the money.
00:13:23Here you are, Robin. Merry Christmas.
00:13:25You have a heart of gold with other people's money.
00:13:29I tell you, England's territorial expansion...
00:13:31has quite a different significance.
00:13:33No matter how thin you slice it, a grab is a grab.
00:13:38That's a specious term.
00:13:40England carried civilization into the wilderness.
00:13:42What was Australia before she redeemed it from the Aborigines?
00:13:46She made it a thriving territory, a ranking continent.
00:13:49For her own special benefit, of course.
00:13:51For the benefit of the whole world.
00:13:53For the benefit of Australia itself, I suppose.
00:13:57The proof is, there isn't an acre of the empire...
00:14:00that isn't proud to fly the British flag.
00:14:07And furthermore, let me tell...
00:14:09Oh, will you stop that noise?
00:14:11Noise, is it? What do you two think you're making?
00:14:14The next thing, you'll be digging trenches in the road.
00:14:17Yes, but I'm bound to refute his unenlightened bias.
00:14:20Bias my foot.
00:14:22He always takes the other side of the argument to get your goat.
00:14:29Well, it looks like you pay for the dinner, O'Brien.
00:14:34Maybe I do.
00:14:37And then again, maybe I don't.
00:14:47Oh, good evening to you.
00:14:48Good evening, sir.
00:14:49Somebody here lose a wallet?
00:14:51Yes, yes, come in, come in.
00:14:53Which one did you... I mean, my name is O'Brien.
00:14:55That's the name, all right.
00:14:57There's ten dollars in it.
00:14:58Ten dollars it is, yes.
00:14:59Here you are, sir.
00:15:03Merry Christmas.
00:15:04Wait, wait.
00:15:05Stay and have a bit of cheer with us.
00:15:07Well, I...
00:15:08Oh, come along, come along.
00:15:10What is your name, lad?
00:15:11James Houston, sir.
00:15:14That's mighty nice of you.
00:15:16Well, it's nicer of you.
00:15:17I need you to bring back my wallet.
00:15:19Come along, come along.
00:15:21Mr. Melton, Mr. Chadwick, this is Mr. Houston.
00:15:23Good evening.
00:15:24Proud to know you, sir.
00:15:25Mr. Houston brought back my wallet.
00:15:27And now he's going to have a drink with us.
00:15:29What will you have, lad?
00:15:30Oh, whatever you're having, sir.
00:15:33I'm having Tom and Jerry myself.
00:15:34How about you, Chad?
00:15:36Just this pot.
00:15:37And you, George?
00:15:38No, thanks.
00:15:39I've got to work out for my bank.
00:15:41It really feels like Christmas Eve in here.
00:15:44Mighty nice bar.
00:15:45I'll have another log.
00:15:46Let me do that, sir.
00:15:52Nothing like an open bar.
00:15:54We always have them down home.
00:15:59You're from the west.
00:16:00Texas, sir.
00:16:02I'm from Oklahoma myself.
00:16:05Well, I declare.
00:16:07Howdy, neighbor.
00:16:09It's a small world, isn't it?
00:16:12Here, sit down.
00:16:14Thank you, sir.
00:16:16Thank you, Michael.
00:16:17Merry Christmas.
00:16:18Merry Christmas.
00:16:19Been up here long?
00:16:21Well, since September.
00:16:23I came up with a rodeo to Madison Square Garden.
00:16:27Thought I'd stay around and look the town over.
00:16:30Stayed a little too long, I guess.
00:16:32Now I'm working for a stake to get back to Texas.
00:16:36Were you going someplace?
00:16:38Dinner, perhaps?
00:16:40No, sir.
00:16:41No place in particular.
00:16:42Just walking around.
00:16:44I've never been away from home on Christmas before.
00:16:47Well, so long as you're not going anywhere, why not have dinner with us?
00:16:50Now, that's right kind of you, sir, but I don't...
00:16:53Well, after all, Michael, it's no inducement for a young fellow to dine with three old fogies like us, you know.
00:17:00Well, now, if you put it that way, I...
00:17:04I can't very well refuse.
00:17:06Major Chadwick, this young lady says she found your wallet.
00:17:10Oh, yes, of course.
00:17:12Of course.
00:17:15Good evening.
00:17:17Oh, good evening.
00:17:19Are you Mr. Chadwick?
00:17:24I believe it's customary to describe lost articles.
00:17:26Oh, yes, that's right, of course.
00:17:28Of course.
00:17:30Well, it was a sort of a wallet.
00:17:33A square wallet.
00:17:35With my card inside.
00:17:37Any money?
00:17:39Of course.
00:17:44Oh, yes, $10.
00:17:46Here you are.
00:17:47Oh, yes.
00:17:48Yes, thank you.
00:17:49Thank you very much.
00:17:50You're very welcome.
00:17:51Merry Christmas.
00:17:52Merry Christmas.
00:17:53Wait a minute.
00:17:54Wait a minute.
00:17:55Don't go.
00:17:56Come over to the fire.
00:17:57It's cold outside.
00:17:58Get a Tom and Jerry for the young lady, George.
00:18:00It'll warm you up.
00:18:01Oh, you didn't...
00:18:02What's your name?
00:18:03Jean Lawrence.
00:18:04My name is James Houston, ma'am.
00:18:06How do you do, Mr. Houston?
00:18:08This is Miss Houston, Miss Lawrence.
00:18:10Put those two places back.
00:18:12I believe Mr. O'Brien will have guests for dinner after all.
00:18:17Yes, excellent.
00:18:19The last time I had a Tom and Jerry was back home in New Hampshire.
00:18:22New Hampshire?
00:18:23Then you're not spending Christmas Eve with your family.
00:18:26I was just going out to the movies.
00:18:28Why don't you stay and have dinner with us?
00:18:31Oh, well, thank you very much, but I couldn't.
00:18:33Why not?
00:18:34Have you had dinner?
00:18:35No, but I had a late lunch and I...
00:18:37Yes, sir.
00:18:38That settles it.
00:18:39Come along.
00:18:40We'll not take no for an answer.
00:18:42Come along.
00:18:43Now, it's all planned.
00:18:45It's a little game we're playing.
00:18:46I'll tell you all about it.
00:18:48You see, there were three of us here and we made a bet.
00:18:51And one of us lost.
00:19:07Now, for Christian men, be sure, rank or wealth possessing,
00:19:20ye who would now bless the poor, shall yourselves be blessed.
00:19:31Say, boy, you can sing.
00:19:34Hey, Alice, come up.
00:19:36We want some music up here.
00:19:40I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair.
00:19:50Born like a vapor on the summer air.
00:19:59I see her tripping where the bright streams play.
00:20:08Happy as the daisies that dance on her way.
00:20:16Many were the wild notes her merry voice would bore.
00:20:23Many were the blithe birds that warbled them o'er.
00:20:34I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair.
00:20:47Floating like a vapor on the soft summer air.
00:21:06My boy has a grand voice.
00:21:09He's a real singer.
00:21:10Oh, it's nothing so much.
00:21:12I used to sing a bit down on the range.
00:21:14Come on, let's all sing.
00:21:16That's a good idea.
00:21:17Now, Joseph, Alfonso, and Catherine, come here.
00:21:20We're all going to sing.
00:21:21Sure, come on.
00:21:22How about Jingle Bells?
00:21:23Jingle Bells.
00:21:25Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
00:21:30Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
00:21:34Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
00:21:37Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
00:21:42Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
00:21:45Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
00:21:49Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
00:21:52Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
00:21:56Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
00:21:59Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
00:22:03Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
00:22:07Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
00:22:12Ah, Colleen, sure you make me wish I was 22 again.
00:22:15I like you the way you are.
00:22:17Good night.
00:22:18Good night, young lady.
00:22:19Don't forget, we have a date tomorrow.
00:22:20Three o'clock at the clinic.
00:22:21Good night, gentlemen.
00:22:22Good night.
00:22:23Good night, Madam Tanya.
00:22:24I had a lovely time.
00:22:25Bless you, Chad.
00:22:26We all did.
00:22:27Good night, ma'am.
00:22:28Good night, Jimmy.
00:22:29Oh, wait.
00:22:31You're forgetting your overcoat.
00:22:33Oh, I didn't have an overcoat.
00:22:38That's not my overcoat.
00:22:40Your overcoat.
00:22:51You have a good tailor.
00:23:05Good night, ma'am.
00:23:07Good night.
00:23:27Ah, the grand youngsters.
00:23:29That boy reminds me of David.
00:23:33I thought you two were going out to the club to play bridge.
00:23:36Now, Michael, don't gloat.
00:23:39Look at the Irish.
00:23:43I'm turning in.
00:23:44Good night.
00:23:45Good night, George.
00:23:46Good night.
00:23:51Tough guy.
00:23:52Gave the lad his pet overcoat.
00:24:01Well, here we are.
00:24:03I can hardly believe it's all been real.
00:24:05Neither can I.
00:24:07Maybe we're dreaming.
00:24:12You know, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Santa Claus,
00:24:16reindeers and all, sliding right down the sky every minute.
00:24:19But you...
00:24:27His name's Gallagher.
00:24:29He's Officer Johnson's son.
00:24:31He loves sugar.
00:24:33Well, I declare that's really something.
00:24:36I never expected to find a girl near your cage, sugar, around for a horse.
00:24:40Good evening, Miss Lawrence.
00:24:41Oh, good evening, Officer Johnson.
00:24:43This is Mr. Houston.
00:24:44Oh, so I am.
00:24:45He's just admiring your horse.
00:24:47Yeah, I raise them myself down in Texas.
00:24:49Oh, you do, huh?
00:24:50Sure is a pretty coat.
00:24:51Where do you feed them? Roll golds?
00:24:54Yeah, he sure is.
00:24:55You know, I haven't been on a horse for three months.
00:24:57I used to live on one, practically.
00:24:59I... I sure would like to ride him.
00:25:03I'm sorry, son, but if the sergeant ever caught me letting anybody ride my horse,
00:25:07I'd be pounding a beaten flatwood.
00:25:09Yeah, sure, I understand.
00:25:11Well, it's mighty fine seeing him, anyway.
00:25:14He sure is pretty.
00:25:30Is it all clear?
00:25:32All clear.
00:25:43Hey, the sergeant's coming.
00:25:59Good evening, Sergeant.
00:26:02Anything wrong?
00:26:03Oh, nothing at all.
00:26:05Oh, it's a lovely evening, isn't it?
00:26:07I mean, out of the snow.
00:26:08I love the snow, don't you?
00:26:09It makes everything seem more like Christmas, doesn't it?
00:26:11I was...
00:26:12Yeah, well, good evening.
00:26:13Sergeant, would you mind awfully if I asked you a few questions?
00:26:17All right.
00:26:18What is it?
00:26:19Have you ever been to Texas?
00:26:21I have never been south of the Battery.
00:26:23Oh, that's too bad.
00:26:24You ought to travel, you know.
00:26:25It's really quite broadening.
00:26:26Yes, well, I'm broad enough now.
00:26:28Sergeant, do you like children?
00:26:31Well, I bet I had.
00:26:32I've got six of my own.
00:26:33Oh, you don't say.
00:26:34You know, I've got 20.
00:26:36That is in the clinic.
00:26:37I work there.
00:26:41Well, good night, Sergeant.
00:26:42It's nice to meet you.
00:26:44Phew, was that close.
00:26:48Hello, Texas.
00:26:51How'd you like the ride?
00:26:52Oh, I liked it.
00:26:56And as for you, Johnson.
00:26:59Yes, sir?
00:27:01Merry Christmas.
00:27:04Merry Christmas to you, Sergeant.
00:27:08Merry Christmas.
00:27:13What else do you do besides feeding sugar to a horse?
00:27:16Oh, I'm sort of a kindergarten teacher.
00:27:19I keep the children busy and amused while they're convalescing.
00:27:21You know, it helps them get well quicker.
00:27:23Do I have to get sick to join your class?
00:27:25I'm afraid you're much too young for that.
00:27:29I hate to let you go.
00:27:32I'll see you tomorrow at three.
00:27:35Good night.
00:27:37Good night.
00:27:40Oh, Jimmy!
00:27:41Your coat!
00:27:45Thanks very much for letting me wear it.
00:27:47You're sure welcome.
00:27:52Good night, Texas.
00:27:53Good night, teacher.
00:27:57Oh, here!
00:28:26How are your children, Mrs. Brown?
00:28:28They're just fine, but the little one has the measles,
00:28:30and the big one has the mumps.
00:28:32Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:28:33That's a pity, isn't it?
00:28:34Yes, it is.
00:28:35Do you take sugar?
00:28:36Yes, please.
00:28:37Merry Christmas!
00:28:38Merry Christmas!
00:28:39Merry Christmas!
00:28:40Merry Christmas, everybody!
00:28:42Well, if it isn't Big Chief Green at the patient's house.
00:28:45Come on and join the tribe.
00:28:50And who might you be?
00:28:51I'm Mr. Brown.
00:28:54Hello, and who might you be?
00:28:55I'm Hansel, and I'm four and Irish.
00:28:58Well, I'm Michael, and I'm 64, and I'm Irish, too.
00:29:01And Irish, too.
00:29:02Who's an Irish, too?
00:29:03I am.
00:29:06And then the elephant said through his big, long nose,
00:29:13I want to be the king.
00:29:22I want to be the king!
00:29:33I want to be the king!
00:29:36I want to be the king!
00:30:06I want to be the king!
00:30:26Oh, they all fell down!
00:30:28You bet your life they did!
00:30:29It's a ringer!
00:30:31A ringer!
00:30:33Hey, Madame Tanya, where do you think you're going?
00:30:35Don't I have to pick up the bottles?
00:30:37Ho, ho, ho!
00:30:38The violator in the back.
00:30:39You have to pick up the bottles.
00:30:43Come on, Jeanie, you're next.
00:30:49Here, hold my coat.
00:30:51I'll show you what a woman I am.
00:30:53Never mind bragging.
00:30:55Right, old fella.
00:30:56Shoot the works.
00:31:00Stand clear!
00:31:02What a champion!
00:31:14Ever so humble,
00:31:19there's no place like home.
00:31:36I've never seen them have such a good time.
00:31:40I'm grateful to you both.
00:31:44I was just as happy when I saw him
00:31:56when my mother rose from the grave.
00:32:01Darling, I'm grateful to you both.
00:32:16Ah, you know we're going to have a lot of good times together.
00:32:20Bye, dearie.
00:32:21Goodbye, dear.
00:32:23You're just like the daughter I always wished for.
00:32:25Come on, let's get going.
00:32:26Cheerio, lad.
00:32:27Happy landing, sir.
00:32:28Goodbye, Madame Dania.
00:32:29Dasvidanya, Countess.
00:32:31And don't be gone too long.
00:32:33We're going to miss you.
00:32:33We'll be back.
00:32:34And you take good care of yourself and don't go into those bowling alleys.
00:32:38Mr. O'Brien, can't you gentlemen please take the train?
00:32:43Oh, there she goes.
00:32:45I suppose you'd like to have us take a stagecoach.
00:32:47Oh, now don't worry.
00:32:49We'll be back before you know it.
00:33:00I wish they were taking the train.
00:33:13Oh, don't you worry.
00:33:14They'll be all right.
00:33:30Come on, Gallagher.
00:33:40Tea or coffee?
00:33:50Sugar and cream?
00:33:53Brussels sprouts?
00:33:55Oh, that's bad.
00:33:59But it's the only one you've missed so far.
00:34:01Everything else, we're like alike.
00:34:06You know, I had a hunch there was something to keep me here in New York.
00:34:09And you're it.
00:34:11Do you have somebody back in Texas?
00:34:13Oh, sure.
00:34:15Do you like her?
00:34:16Oh, crazy about her.
00:34:19Well, you must tell me more about her.
00:34:22What's she like?
00:34:23Well, she's pretty.
00:34:26But, uh, about your coloring, brown eyes.
00:34:30I suppose she's crazy about you, too.
00:34:32Oh, yeah.
00:34:33Hey, every night when I come home, she runs clear to the gate to meet me.
00:34:37What's she gonna say about me?
00:34:39Oh, I don't know.
00:34:41She'll probably say, uh...
00:34:45You know horses.
00:34:49How many fellas you got on the street?
00:34:51Oh, not many.
00:34:55Just Mr. Chadwick, Mr. Belton, Mr. O'Brien, and you.
00:35:01Soon as I get a decent job, we can get married.
00:35:04Jimmy, you just proposed to me.
00:35:08I did.
00:35:09Well, it's... it's all right, isn't it?
00:35:17Paper, mister.
00:35:20Not just now, sonny.
00:35:22Extra, extra.
00:35:27I'm still pretty worried about those Brussels sprouts.
00:35:29Oh, Jimmy.
00:35:31Put a set up for spinach?
00:35:34Come on, I gotta tell somebody.
00:35:36I'll send you. Be back.
00:35:37Let's go.
00:35:42Hey, Jimmy!
00:35:50We had hope until an hour ago.
00:35:59I knew I would never see them again.
00:36:08Somehow, I knew.
00:36:38Joseph, did you hear?
00:36:53What, excellency?
00:37:26Keep the tobacco jar filled, Joseph.
00:37:33And bring the hot toddies, as you usually do.
00:37:45I know you are here.
00:37:50I cannot see you or touch you.
00:37:55But I know you've come home.
00:38:19She didn't see us.
00:38:24I remember now.
00:38:27We were flying.
00:38:30There was a storm.
00:38:32A mountain top.
00:38:35We crashed.
00:38:38Everything went black for a moment.
00:38:41Then we were here.
00:38:46You seem to feel all right.
00:38:48How are you, Jack?
00:38:52Light as air.
00:38:55My glasses.
00:38:57They're gone.
00:39:00I don't seem to need them.
00:39:06So this is it.
00:39:08Sure, it's no more than walking from one room into the other.
00:39:12How's your back?
00:39:17You look at him.
00:39:19And my feet don't hurt.
00:39:21And I can see right through you, Joseph.
00:39:24You always could.
00:39:27And now do you believe in the immortal spirit of man?
00:39:31It's just the hammer of being here that brought us back for a while.
00:39:34For a while.
00:39:36And then what?
00:39:38You're not afraid, Chad.
00:39:41Only curious as to what comes next.
00:39:43We'll find that out when the time comes.
00:39:47Oh, are we still in partnership?
00:39:49Looks like we're out of business.
00:39:51Yes, and good riddance, too.
00:39:57Oh, Jim, don't be ridiculous.
00:39:59You can't have three best men.
00:40:00Who says I can't?
00:40:01Why can't I have three best...
00:40:04Joseph, do you see why I can't have three best men if...
00:40:08What's the matter, Joseph?
00:40:10You have not heard?
00:40:35It can't be, Jim.
00:40:38It can't be.
00:40:47Evening, ma'am.
00:40:51Madame Tanya.
00:40:57They loved you both.
00:41:00Very much.
00:41:04They were good to us.
00:41:07They were our friends.
00:41:11They brought us together.
00:41:17We came to tell them.
00:41:21Oh, Jim.
00:41:28Ah, poor kids.
00:41:30They've come to tell us their good news.
00:41:31Strange seeing it from this side.
00:41:35No pain for us, except our grief.
00:41:40Everything seems faint and far away, except loving people.
00:41:48Madame Tanya.
00:41:51Madame Tanya.
00:41:54Madame Tanya.
00:42:09In the library.
00:42:55What's going on?
00:42:57Just a couple of bonds.
00:42:59Enough to get married on.
00:43:01Shouldn't have done it.
00:43:02Money's bad for kids.
00:43:06Don't forget, you still owe us a dinner from the last time you were wrong.
00:43:12Dear Jimmy and Gene.
00:43:14Accept this gift for the happy day.
00:43:17I can see in your eyes it's not far off.
00:43:21You have our blessing.
00:43:33Just like him to do this for a couple of strangers.
00:43:39You are not strangers.
00:43:42You filled a very lonely place in his heart.
00:43:49But won't you need these?
00:43:52No, Jimmy, thank you.
00:43:55I'm well provided for.
00:44:00Is there anything I can do?
00:44:04Perhaps, Jimmy, you would come and live here for a while.
00:44:10So Joseph and I would have someone to look after.
00:44:17I'd be glad to, ma'am.
00:44:20Go now.
00:44:21You have a lot to talk over.
00:44:46I could swear I see them up there.
00:44:49So could I.
00:44:53I beg your pardon, are you related to the men who lived here?
00:44:57They were our friends.
00:44:58Could you give me some idea what they were like?
00:45:00The report is that they were eccentric old hermits.
00:45:02That's not true.
00:45:03I should say not, they were swell.
00:45:05Well, I'm on the daily press.
00:45:07My paper wants human interest.
00:45:09Would you come along and talk it over?
00:45:16This is station WRC National Network, New York City.
00:45:19You've just heard your radio reporter giving you the latest news flash from the WRC tower.
00:45:24The time is 15 minutes after ten.
00:45:25Want me?
00:45:27Here's a story for our next week's personalities on the news program.
00:45:30Now get those kids.
00:45:32I think he should, Madame Tanya, don't you?
00:45:51Jim, they might give you a chance to sing.
00:45:54And all you need is a chance.
00:45:56That's right, Jimmy.
00:45:58Opportunities don't come every day.
00:46:00What about Gene?
00:46:02It says in the telegram they want her too.
00:46:04Oh, I couldn't.
00:46:05I'd be too scared.
00:46:06Go ahead and see what they say.
00:46:08Darling, if they let you sing, I know you'll be a hit.
00:46:11You'll be famous.
00:46:12We'll be rich.
00:46:13You'll be able to buy that big ranch with a million horses.
00:46:16And Madame Tanya can come stay with us.
00:46:17Yeah, we can all live happily ever after.
00:46:20I still say he'd be better off back in Texas on the ranch where he belongs.
00:46:24Well, I agree with Michael.
00:46:26The boy's got talent.
00:46:27Why shouldn't he do something with his voice?
00:46:30Sure, and why not?
00:46:32What's wrong with him being a singer?
00:46:34The world needs music just as much as it does buildings and bridges.
00:46:37All right, have it your way.
00:46:39And I'm not in favor of it.
00:46:43My name's James Houston.
00:46:45I received this telegram from Mr. Barrett.
00:46:48I'll tell him you're here.
00:46:54Mr. Barrett, Mr. Houston is here.
00:46:59Mr. Houston, you may go right in.
00:47:02Thank you very much.
00:47:04Oh, I'm...
00:47:08Aren't you going to pick it up?
00:47:13I sure hope I didn't do any damage, Miss Terry.
00:47:17Oh, that's all right.
00:47:20Where have I seen you before?
00:47:22Oh, probably in the paper.
00:47:27Well, Texas.
00:47:29Are you going to sing on the air?
00:47:30Oh, I hope so.
00:47:32Well, let me know when you go on.
00:47:33I'd like to hear you.
00:47:35My telephone number's on there.
00:47:38Good luck.
00:47:40Why, thank you, ma'am.
00:47:56Where can I phone?
00:47:58Here, use this one.
00:48:05Oh, Jimmy, really?
00:48:07Yeah, they're going to put me on the broadcast tonight.
00:48:10Yeah, I'm going to sing.
00:48:11Oh, darling, I know you'll be good.
00:48:13Would you call Madam Tonya and tell her?
00:48:16I've got to go practice.
00:48:18I mean, rehearse.
00:48:20Yeah, I'll come by and pick you up after it's over,
00:48:22and we'll go celebrate.
00:48:25Bye, honey.
00:48:27I'll be singing to you.
00:48:28Goodbye and good luck, darling.
00:48:35He's going to sing.
00:48:39No, not him.
00:48:40I mean Jimmy.
00:48:41He's singing tonight at 7.30.
00:48:45I've got to tell all the nurses.
00:48:48Is my wife here?
00:48:50Honey, she's over nine years old.
00:48:51This is a children's hospital.
00:48:56Hello, Mom.
00:48:58Mama, yeah.
00:49:00Mom, what I called you about is a surprise.
00:49:05Yeah, I want you to tune in on WRC at 7.30,
00:49:09New York time tonight.
00:49:12Yeah, I...
00:49:15Oh, no, Mama, I don't need them.
00:49:19No, but, Mom, it's not cold enough for them.
00:49:24But, Mom, people don't wear them in New York.
00:49:28Now, don't forget, Mom, 7.30 tonight.
00:49:34Goodbye, Mom.
00:49:42Uh, do you mind?
00:49:43No, it's quite all right.
00:49:49Miss Terry's apartment.
00:49:51Who's calling?
00:49:52No, she isn't in right now.
00:49:54I don't know when she'll be back.
00:49:56I'll tell her you called, Mr. Houston.
00:50:00Hello, Miss Terry.
00:50:03This is Jimmy Houston.
00:50:05Yeah, I met you at the radio station, you remember?
00:50:09Yeah, well, I'm calling you like you said
00:50:11because I'm going to be on the air tonight at 7.30.
00:50:14You are?
00:50:14Yeah, singing.
00:50:15Oh, you must be swell because Barrett's tough.
00:50:19Sure, I'll be listening in.
00:50:20Thanks for letting me know.
00:50:23Goodbye, Mr. Houston.
00:50:38Sounds pretty good.
00:50:39Pretty good.
00:50:40It's a hit.
00:50:42We can go into a fast rehearsal just as soon as
00:50:44Tony Marshall returns from Florida.
00:50:46Poor old Tony.
00:50:47He'll be making his entrances in a wheelchair pretty soon.
00:50:51Don't worry, he's had his face lifted.
00:50:53Besides, he still brings them in.
00:50:55What about some dinner?
00:50:56Oh, it's quarter to eight.
00:50:58Quarter to eight?
00:50:59Wait a minute, there's something I want to hear
00:51:01if I haven't missed it.
00:51:09So why should we run?
00:51:13Let's get drenched in moonbeams.
00:51:17The blossoms of romance need showers to start.
00:51:25Don't shelter your heart, it's raining dreams.
00:51:32I heard the thunder crash the moment we kissed.
00:51:40And now that we've kissed, it's raining dreams.
00:51:47I saw the lightning flash and light up the skies.
00:51:55Or was it your eyes?
00:51:58It's raining dreams.
00:52:02We're caught in a moon shower with no place to run.
00:52:10So why should we run?
00:52:14Let's get drenched in moonbeams.
00:52:18The blossoms of romance need showers to start.
00:52:26Don't shelter your heart, it's raining dreams.
00:52:47That is worse than heading off a stampede.
00:52:49How was I?
00:52:50All right.
00:52:53Here they come.
00:52:57Oh, yes, Miss Terry.
00:53:01He's here.
00:53:03You're doing fine.
00:53:11Well, it's nice of you to say so.
00:53:13Oh, I mean it.
00:53:15Well, just a minute.
00:53:16My producer, Phil Hubert, wants to talk to you.
00:53:21Hello, Mr. Houston.
00:53:22Yes, this is Phil Hubert.
00:53:26Well, you're very good.
00:53:27Thank you very much.
00:53:31Well, I'd be glad to, sir.
00:53:33Yes, I have the address.
00:53:34I'll be up there directly.
00:53:39Well, we can't go very far wrong with a voice like that.
00:53:42Let's see, we could build him up on the radio,
00:53:44and then I'd get Kelly busy on the publicity.
00:53:47And if he looks like you say he does,
00:53:49I think maybe we've got something.
00:53:51I think we've got something.
00:53:59Darling, you were marvelous.
00:54:01Oh, thanks, honey.
00:54:02But you don't know the half of it.
00:54:03I'm on my way now to see a fellow about my singing.
00:54:06Yeah, I just came by to tell you I can't stay.
00:54:08I've got to go right away.
00:54:10I'll phone you later.
00:54:13I'll be waiting.
00:54:19Well, hello.
00:54:19Evening, ma'am.
00:54:21This is Mr. Hubert, Mr. Houston.
00:54:22Proud to meet you, sir.
00:54:25You stopped the show.
00:54:26Oh, no, ma'am.
00:54:27I reckon it was fixing to stop anyway.
00:54:29I came on at the end.
00:54:32Well, how did you like the applause?
00:54:33Well, fine, sir.
00:54:34I figured half of it was good manners,
00:54:36and the rest was on the station payroll.
00:54:39It's a crime to spoil modesty like that.
00:54:41Boy, you are a natural.
00:54:43Miss Terry and I are going over the book of our new show.
00:54:46Our old leading man is beginning to creak a little.
00:54:49We thought perhaps you might fit in with our plans.
00:54:51Well, I declare you...
00:54:53You mean on the stage, sir?
00:54:55Oh, no.
00:54:56I don't think that I...
00:54:57Oh, come on.
00:54:58Have a drink.
00:54:59Have something to eat.
00:55:00Let's get better acquainted.
00:55:01I feel lucky tonight.
00:55:03To success.
00:55:15I'm sorry.
00:55:15Dr. Brown is on day duty.
00:55:18I'm sorry.
00:55:18Dr. Brown is on day duty.
00:55:42Louisiana lady, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:55:47La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:55:50Joseph, I'm a success.
00:55:52I'm gonna sing in a show.
00:55:53Lovely music.
00:55:54La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:55:57La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:56:00Yes, sir.
00:56:00You better go to bed.
00:56:01It's after three.
00:56:03I'm all right, Joseph.
00:56:04I'm all right.
00:56:12Good night, Joseph.
00:56:13Good night, sir.
00:56:13Good night.
00:56:14La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:56:21Oh, well, why not?
00:56:22Who wouldn't celebrate?
00:56:24He's getting his chance.
00:56:27Chance to get mixed up with a lot of cheap people.
00:56:30Turn his head and make a fool of him.
00:56:33He'll drink too much and he'll laugh too much.
00:56:35He'll lose his way.
00:56:36Well, two sides to it, George.
00:56:39The way I see it, he'll give people a lot of pleasure.
00:56:44Ah, he's a good lad.
00:56:45And he's in love with a fine girl.
00:56:47She'll keep him steady.
00:56:49To be born innocent is natural.
00:56:52But to die pure of heart, that's a gift.
00:56:57Well, stick to your faith, Michael.
00:56:59You may need it before you're through.
00:57:02Ah, you're always looking at the black side of things.
00:57:14Good night.
00:57:44George, no matter what you did, if you're sorry for it, no power of darkness can touch
00:58:04If you'll only say you're sorry, George.
00:58:05Well, I did need a doing, I had no remorse.
00:58:14I never did have.
00:58:15And I'd be a hypocrite to say, I'm sorry now.
00:58:16Son of a bitch!
00:58:17Son of a bitch!
00:58:18Son of a bitch!
00:59:49Come in.
01:00:25I haven't been through very many nice things in my life.
01:00:28My parents were divorced.
01:00:30I was on the stage when I was fourteen.
01:00:33We had a bad marriage.
01:00:37A tough struggle.
01:00:40Success and applause isn't everything, Jimmy.
01:00:46Sit down, Jimmy.
01:00:50Sometimes I get homesick, too.
01:00:53For someone of my own.
01:00:56Someone who really loves me.
01:00:59The way a woman wants to be loved.
01:01:04Oh, she's the smooth one.
01:01:07She's the smooth one.
01:01:09Smooth as silk, that one is.
01:01:11Every move.
01:01:13Every word is figured.
01:01:17I want someone who really loves me the way a woman wants to be loved.
01:01:21Oh, and him taking it hook, line and sinker.
01:01:26Oh, I've made an awful mess of it.
01:01:29You've got to help me, Chad.
01:01:31You've got to help me bring the boy back.
01:01:37I heard something.
01:01:39I'm sure you heard something. I've been talking to you right along.
01:01:46It's the old bugle call.
01:01:49The last but first.
01:01:55It's for me, Michael.
01:02:11This is my boy, Michael.
01:02:13My boy, David.
01:02:17I thought I'd never see you again.
01:02:19We all think that.
01:02:21I've come for you, Dad.
01:02:23Where now?
01:02:25What's it like?
01:02:27What do you want it to be like?
01:02:29I remember the old army post. It's similar.
01:02:33Without the rains, of course.
01:02:37Ah, we were happy there.
01:02:40Great country.
01:02:46Splendid regiment.
01:02:48Good horses.
01:02:51Good sport.
01:02:53Keen men.
01:02:55Then that's it. Every man gets his dream.
01:03:00Let's go. Mother's waiting.
01:03:11Good luck, Michael.
01:03:13Goodbye, Alan.
01:03:15No, no, not goodbye, old fellow.
01:03:18We'll be seeing you.
01:03:20Won't we, David?
01:03:22That's right, Dad.
01:03:24Good luck, Michael.
01:03:26Good luck.
01:03:50Good luck.
01:03:52Good luck.
01:03:54Good luck.
01:04:20Ah, don't cry, Jeanie.
01:04:23Don't cry, Colleen.
01:04:25That does no good.
01:04:28Get your Irish up.
01:04:31You're prettier than she is.
01:04:34And sweeter, too.
01:04:36And younger.
01:04:39Are you going to sit back and let her run off?
01:04:44Not if you're the girl I think you are.
01:04:47Sure, and if he's worth loving at all,
01:04:50at all he's worth fighting for,
01:04:53now go to him.
01:04:55And when he sees you, his heart will remember.
01:05:00Put on your pretty things and go to him.
01:05:04Go now, Jeanie, girl.
01:05:07And good luck.
01:05:12Good luck.
01:05:17Sometimes I...
01:05:19I get homesick for the prairie.
01:05:22The stars and the quiet.
01:05:25The sound of a dog barking way off in the distance.
01:05:29Say, do you like horses?
01:05:32My father used to practically live at the tracks.
01:05:35I went with him a lot.
01:05:37Before I was ten, I knew every racehorse in the country by his first name.
01:05:41No fooling.
01:05:43No fooling.
01:05:46Say, you know, you're a pretty wonderful girl.
01:05:52Am I?
01:05:55I'm just a hick.
01:05:57I don't know why you've been so nice to me.
01:06:00I think a lot of you.
01:06:02You know that, don't you?
01:06:07Don't answer it.
01:06:10My ex-husband, drunk as usual.
01:06:15Let me in.
01:06:16No, you'd better go out the back way.
01:06:18I can't sneak out.
01:06:20We don't want a row. Unpleasant things have a way of getting into the papers.
01:06:23Think of the show.
01:06:24But I can't leave you here with him.
01:06:25Please, I can handle him better alone.
01:06:31You're sure you'll be all right?
01:06:34Oh, Jimmy.
01:06:36Let's go away for a few days to the country.
01:06:39I need a rest, and you do too.
01:06:41Before we start rehearsal.
01:06:43Well, what about Mr. Hubert?
01:06:46Oh, I'll talk to him and make all the arrangements.
01:06:48You go home and pack a bag.
01:06:49And I'll telephone you when I'm ready to leave.
01:06:55Open the door!
01:06:57I thought so.
01:07:04You're Houston, aren't you?
01:07:08That's right.
01:07:11You don't look like you've been sneaking out of back doors very long.
01:07:17She doesn't want to see you.
01:07:20I don't want to see you either.
01:07:22You don't look like you've been sneaking out of back doors very long.
01:07:27She doesn't want to see you.
01:07:32Get going.
01:07:38You'll find out.
01:07:52Hello, Jimmy.
01:07:54Hello, Jeannie.
01:07:57I was worried about you.
01:07:59I just wanted to make sure you're all right.
01:08:01Oh, I'm fine.
01:08:04I've been awful busy.
01:08:06I wanted to talk to you, but...
01:08:09It seems like I haven't had a minute.
01:08:22You're looking mighty fine, Jeannie.
01:08:25You're looking well, too.
01:08:27I'm sorry about not seeing you, Jeannie.
01:08:30I understand.
01:08:33Oh, Jimmy.
01:08:35I'm so glad about your success.
01:08:37It's just what I wanted for you.
01:08:47Everything happened so suddenly, Jeannie.
01:08:51Maybe later on, when things quiet down and I sort of get my breath again...
01:09:09I guess I'd better go now.
01:09:11Goodbye, Jim. Good luck.
01:09:16If things ever go wrong for you, or people don't treat you right, or you get sick or something...
01:09:20Don't forget my friend.
01:09:22Let me know if you need me, won't you?
01:09:44You fool. Go after her. Don't let her get away, Jimmy.
01:10:03Oh, hello.
01:10:05I talked to Hubert. Everything's all set.
01:10:07We can sail for Tuesday. Isn't that wonderful?
01:10:09It gives us three days.
01:10:11I'll pick you up in about 20 minutes. Will you be ready?
01:10:13You bet I will.
01:10:43If there's anything important, you can reach me at the Pinewood Inn.
01:10:45But I mean important.
01:10:49If you don't stop annoying me, I'll have you put away where you belong.
01:10:53Harleen, I've been trying to see you to tell you I got a chance of a comeback.
01:10:57Miller's got a show.
01:10:59He's going to give me the lead if I can get on my feet again.
01:11:02And, well, I can't do it alone.
01:11:05Miller's going to give you a lead?
01:11:08What are you trying to do, kid me? Look at you.
01:11:11I knew you wouldn't care.
01:11:14I know there's someone else now.
01:11:16There's always been someone else.
01:11:22But no one loves you the way I do.
01:11:29Take your hands off me.
01:11:30Harleen, please.
01:11:39Madam Tanya, I'm worried about Jimmy.
01:11:42It's not right for him to go away with that Terry woman.
01:11:45No good will come of it. Nothing but trouble.
01:11:48Do everything you can to stop him.
01:11:53There he is now.
01:12:12I'm Harleen Terry. Is Mr. Houston ready?
01:12:15They shall see.
01:12:24So long, Madam Tanya.
01:12:25Jimmy, please don't go.
01:12:28What's the matter? You look worried.
01:12:30I am.
01:12:31That girl. Those stories in the paper.
01:12:34Oh, that's nothing but publicity. It don't mean anything.
01:12:38Jimmy, a man can't spoil his life over a woman.
01:12:41I know our friends wouldn't like you to go away with that girl.
01:12:46She's fine. She gave me a part in her show.
01:12:50And we both want to get away to the country for a few days before rehearsals begin.
01:12:55Jimmy, Mr. Melton lost everything.
01:12:58Home, family, reputation, over such a woman.
01:13:02Oh, now you're making it sound much more serious than it really is.
01:13:06Don't you worry. I'll be all right.
01:13:08I'll be back by Tuesday.
01:13:27What was that?
01:13:29Just the luggage.
01:13:30What's the matter? You seem nervous.
01:13:32I do.
01:13:34Say, do you believe in hunches?
01:13:37Sometimes. Why?
01:13:39I got a funny feeling we're going in the wrong direction.
01:13:42On the trail, when I feel like that, I usually turn back.
01:13:46Oh, I can see you were cut out for the stage, Jimmy. Superstitions and everything.
01:13:50Do they have superstitions on the stage, too?
01:13:52Heavens, yes. Hundreds of them.
01:13:55Madam Tanya's the one that has hunches, and she's not usually wrong.
01:13:59Is she the disagreeable old lady who answers the door?
01:14:03Well, she's not disagreeable. She's just been through a lot.
01:14:06You know, I don't think I should have run off and left her the way I did.
01:14:09Oh, nonsense, Jimmy.
01:14:11You shouldn't be living in that musty old house with a couple of musty old servants.
01:14:15You should have an apartment of your own where you can do as you please.
01:14:18I'll find you one.
01:14:23Is that wind too much for you?
01:14:25Snuggle down.
01:14:27Oh, you're so nice, Jimmy.
01:14:29Maybe you won't think that after you know me better.
01:14:31Why not?
01:14:32Oh, I've got a lot of old-fashioned backwoods ideas.
01:14:35Oh, we'll soon get rid of those.
01:14:37We'll have a lovely time in Pinewood.
01:14:39We'll walk and ride horseback and roast chestnuts by the fire.
01:14:43No crowds, no autographed hounds.
01:14:46There aren't many people up here this time of year.
01:14:49I'll have you all to myself.
01:14:57How far to Pinewood Inn?
01:14:59About five miles.
01:15:01Where can I get a drink?
01:15:03Right around the corner.
01:15:04Fill it up.
01:15:05I'll be right back.
01:15:06Yes, sir.
01:15:07Yes, sir.
01:15:30Feeling any better?
01:15:31A little.
01:15:33I don't know what's wrong with me tonight.
01:15:35I've been sort of strange.
01:15:37Oh, come on, cheer up.
01:15:38We're on a holiday.
01:15:42Your dinner is ready to serve, Miss Tanner.
01:15:46Food is what you need, and plenty of it.
01:16:08Michael O'Brien.
01:16:12I'm here.
01:16:18It's time, Michael.
01:16:22Right now?
01:16:25Yes, now.
01:16:29I can't go now.
01:16:31You're called only once.
01:16:35But I can't leave Jimmy.
01:16:37He needs me.
01:16:40There's trouble coming.
01:16:42I got him into this.
01:16:45I must get him out.
01:16:48It means you will linger in the shadows of Earth for all time.
01:16:55I can't go.
01:16:57All time.
01:17:00I can't go now.
01:17:03I can't.
01:17:08So be it, Michael.
01:17:27It gives me great pleasure to announce, ladies and gentlemen,
01:17:30that we have with us this evening
01:17:32two very distinguished Broadway personalities,
01:17:35Miss Arlene Terry and Mr. James Houston.
01:17:44You're not going to take a bath?
01:17:46Go on, it'll be good for the show.
01:17:51You're not going to take a bath?
01:17:53Go on, it'll be good for the show.
01:17:57If we try hard enough,
01:17:59we may get Mr. Houston to give us a song.
01:18:27Oh, Jimmy.
01:18:32Get a doctor, an ambulance, quick!
01:18:40Quit the heart.
01:18:42Let's try a suture.
01:18:44One chance in a thousand.
01:18:46Take his blood pressure, nurse.
01:19:21Mr. O'Brien.
01:19:23Oh, Jimmy, why didn't you listen?
01:19:57You shouldn't cry like that for me.
01:20:01She loves you, Jimmy.
01:20:05You were too young and thoughtless.
01:20:09And success came too suddenly.
01:20:12And that woman...
01:20:16She's gone.
01:20:18She had no soul at all to go on with.
01:20:31I'm sorry.
01:20:35If I could only tell her.
01:20:39We make mistakes sometimes that can never be limited.
01:20:45It's myself I'm blaming, Jimmy.
01:20:48Not you.
01:21:07Michael O'Brien.
01:21:10You've come back.
01:21:12Your mother would give us no peace
01:21:15until we came back for you.
01:21:18If it isn't asking too much,
01:21:20could you be doing me a favor before we go?
01:21:24Could you give the boy another chance?
01:21:29I'm sorry, Jimmy.
01:21:31Could you give the boy another chance?
01:21:35He's a good lad.
01:21:37And he's learned his lesson.
01:21:39Give him a chance to live.
01:21:43So be it.
01:21:45Let him go back.
01:21:48Come along, O'Brien.
01:21:50You're the stubbornest soul we ever loved.
01:22:31George, I'm glad to see you.
01:22:35What happened? How did you get here?
01:22:39I've come a long way out of darkness.
01:22:42Darkness is a terrible thing, Michael.
01:22:45I thought of you and Chad.
01:22:48Your faith and loyalty and friendship.
01:22:51And then the bitterness began melting out of my heart.
01:22:56And I saw a light.
01:22:59And I followed it.
01:23:01And it brought me here.
01:23:04Sometimes we have to go to the darkness alone
01:23:07before we can see the light.
01:23:12There's no rejoicing in heaven
01:23:15over one's sin and repentance.
01:23:29It's my mother.
