We incarcerate children at a higher rate than any other developed country. Kids make mistakes — sometimes large, sometimes small. And every day in America, .
The YIA cellblock is home to 53 kids who are rarely permitted to leave the unit, due to the dangers posed by the prisoners just outside their door. But once a .
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ABC News PrimeTime - Juvenile Corrections Adobe Mountain School, Phoenix, Arizona Chris Cuomo Eric M. Strauss Mark Stanoch ABC News.
The YIA cellblock is home to 53 kids who are rarely permitted to leave the unit, due to the dangers posed by the prisoners just outside their door. But once a .
Kid Criminals Season 1 Episode 1 Americas Youngest Sex Offenders Couchtuner Watch TV Shows.
ABC News PrimeTime - Juvenile Corrections Adobe Mountain School, Phoenix, Arizona Chris Cuomo Eric M. Strauss Mark Stanoch ABC News.
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