Hazrat Jibrail [Alayh Salam] once came to Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم and said Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) has given me the knowledge to .\r
Manqabat-e-khwaja in the voice of DR NISAR AHMED MARFANI at Haji Ali program.\r
Hafiz Dr Nisar Marfani Qtv Naat Zindagi Hai Download complete program Largest Islamic Portal .\r
A great manqabat recited by Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani.
Manqabat-e-khwaja in the voice of DR NISAR AHMED MARFANI at Haji Ali program.\r
Hafiz Dr Nisar Marfani Qtv Naat Zindagi Hai Download complete program Largest Islamic Portal .\r
A great manqabat recited by Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani.
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