• 10 years ago
Mr. Bean is an animated television series produced by Tiger Aspect Productions and, only for its first three seasons, by Richard Purdum Productions and Varga Holdings. It is based on the British live-action series of the same name, and the characters included Mr. Bean, Irma Gobb, Teddy, and the Reliant Supervan's mysterious driver, with the new addition of Mrs. Wicket, Bean's landlady, and her evil cat Scrapper. In February 2001, the series was officially announced, with it premièring shortly afterwards

Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean,
The Return of Mr. Bean,
The Curse of Mr. Bean,
Mr. Bean Goes to Town,
The Trouble with Mr. Bean,
Mr. Bean Rides Again,
Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean,
Mr. Bean in Room 426,
Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean,
Back to School Mr. Bean,
Tee Off, Mr. Bean,
Goodnight Mr. Bean,
Hair by Mr. Bean of London,
The Best Bits of Mr. Bean,
animated television series,
Mr. Bean,
Mr. Bean (TV Program),
Mr. Bean Holiday (Film),
Mr. Bean Rides Again (TV Episode),
Mr. Bean Goes To Town (TV Episode),


