Jelly Drink Lychee Thai Fun

  • 9 years ago
We show Jelly Drink Lychee Thai Fresh Fun - YouTube Fun Video for babies, kids, families & collectors

Drinks, or beverages, are liquids intended for human consumption. In addition to basic needs, beverages form part of the culture of human society. Although all beverages, including juice, soft drinks, and carbonated drinks, have some form of water in them, water itself is often not classified as a beverage, and the word beverage has been recurrently defined as not referring to water .

Non-alcoholic beverages often signify drinks that would normally contain alcohol, such as beer and wine but are made with less than .5 percent alcohol by volume. The category includes drinks that have undergone an alcohol removal process such as non-alcoholic beers and de-alcoholized wines.

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Other translations for viewers from other countries:

*in Spanish, en español: Jelly Beba Lychee tailandesa fresca Diversión - YouTube Diversión Video en bebés, niños, familias & coleccionistas

*in French, en français: Jelly Buvez Lychee Thai frais Fun - Fun Vidéo YouTube pour les bébés, les enfants, les familles & collectionneurs

*in Portuguese, em Português: Jelly Drink Lichia Thai fresco Fun - Diversão YouTube vídeo para bebês, crianças, famílias & colecionadores

*in Norwegian, i norsk: Jelly Drikk Lychee Thai Fresh Fun - YouTube Fun Video for babyer, barn, familier & samlere

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