• 10 years ago
This tutorial shows you how to install VestaCP, a free open-source website control panel. You can use it to manage your website files, databases email accounts and more.

Skill level: easy
Requirements: any compatible* Linux distribution.

* At the moment of publishing, supported distributions are CentOS/RHEL 5-7, Debian 6-8 and Ubuntu 12.04-15.10. For the latest information on compatible distributions, check www.vestacp.com.

Customizing your VestaCP installation:
You can customzie your vestaCP installation by selecting what software packages are to be installed. Go to www.vestacp.com for more information or use the following command-line parameters to get started:

bash vst-install.sh --nginx yes --apache yes --phpfpm no --vsftpd no --proftpd yes --exim yes --dovecot yes --spamassassin yes --clamav yes --named yes --iptables yes --fail2ban yes --mysql yes --postgresql yes --remi yes --quota yes --hostname --email --password
