Nandiniask Viswa to give her daughter to her , Viswa says that he doesnt know about issues 1:50 Nandini is fighting with everyone that why the reason they .\r
Will Madan succeed in brainwashing Supriya to get married to him and will Archana be able to stop this marriage in time by arresting Madan for killing Bhoomika .\r
Bhoomika ask Shankari to take care of her daughter 2:05 Radha says madhan that she decided to marry madhan 6:49 Shankari fighting with madhan , suddenly .\r
Valli is into a fascinating journey to start fresh hoping to awake in an environment which gives her a fresh lease in life. During this journey she meets many .
Will Madan succeed in brainwashing Supriya to get married to him and will Archana be able to stop this marriage in time by arresting Madan for killing Bhoomika .\r
Bhoomika ask Shankari to take care of her daughter 2:05 Radha says madhan that she decided to marry madhan 6:49 Shankari fighting with madhan , suddenly .\r
Valli is into a fascinating journey to start fresh hoping to awake in an environment which gives her a fresh lease in life. During this journey she meets many .
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