Christmas glitch allowed Steam users to see others' personal info

  • 9 years ago
Some gamers were "Steam"-ing on Christmas as Valve's popular digital gaming store was afflicted with server and privacy problems.
The glitches with the Steam service, including users being able to see others' personal information as well as the store itself going offline, were the result of a technical error that has since been fixed, a Valve representative said in a statement Friday.
"Steam is back up and running without any known issues," the statement reads.
"As a result of a configuration change earlier today, a caching issue allowed some users to randomly see pages generated for other users for a period of less than an hour.
This issue has since been resolved.
We believe no unauthorized actions were allowed on accounts beyond the viewing of cached page information and no additional action is required by users."
Steam's own security tools, Steam Guard and Steam Mobile Authenticator, did not appear to help prevent the potential reveal.
