Khamenei: Americans are trying to destroy Islam

  • 9 years ago
The United States is seeking to destroy Islamic civilization and Iranians should be aware of that, the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned on Tuesday.
"One of the main tools used by the enemies to prevent the birth of modern Islamic civilization is through creating divisions among Muslims," he told a meeting of Muslim scholars, thinkers and political figures in Tehran, according to the semiofficial Fars news agency.
Khamenei said that the Americans are against the principles of Islam and no one should be deceived by their statements in support of some sects, citing "the statements of the former president George W. Bush who after the September 11 spoke about the war of the crusades, in fact, indicated the war between the arrogant world and Islam."
The Supreme Leader then cited statements of by current U.S. officials who claim to be in agreement with Islam and blasted them as untrue.