Experts Debate Key Questions in HIV Management. New York, 06.07.2015 [ВИЧ-инфекция]

  • 8 лет назад
Eric S. Daar, MD
Kathleen E. Squires, MD
David A. Wohl, MD
Release Date:
August 07, 2015

Point/Counterpoint: Experts Debate Key Questions in HIV Management
Watch as expert faculty members debate 3 timely topics in antiretroviral treatment, including the role of NNRTIs, boosted PIs, and single-tablet regimens in first-line therapy.
Source: Point/Counterpoint: Experts Debate Key Questions in HIV Management
Faculty: Eric S. Daar MD, Kathleen E. Squires MD, David A. Wohl MD
Released: 8/7/2015


