BLOCKED: Lucis Trust & NWO Time Travel...Revealed

  • 8 years ago
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Exploring the nwos esoteric concept of time through VIEWER DESCRETION ADVISED

The nwo concept of time... telling us it's "time to rethink time" .. about programming humanity toward a new synthesis of Science with Occult Philosophy. None of this is what I believe! - but hopefully you'll be able to see through their esoteric propaganda before they externalize it for the nwo by 'giving it a scientific basis'...

Illuminati Card Game: Science-Fiction Fans , Time Warp ... the nwos world of "space time energy and matter".. ie. the spirit world as perceived through occult metaphysics etc .. the backwards / fractured clock .. 3-6-9, the supposed key to understanding the Universe .. the Egyptian ankh or Celtic cross? of false eternal life / evolution etc

22:19 Illuminati Card Game: Immortality (evolution) Serum ?

22:31 Illuminati Card Game: Secrets Man was Not Meant to Know (..Electric Universe) and other thoughts...

Quote (Illuminati card game: Time Warp)..The concrete, scientific mind is now contacting the abstract realms of thought, but is in need of the guiding light of the intuition to reveal a simplified, more synthetic view of the universe as an organism with a set and stable form and constitution.." ~ The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust

"Alice Bailey tells us: Time and Space are but states of consciousness.." ~ The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust

- Keep telling you guys, the electric universe "Science" is really a satanic deception... Pre-emptive Survivor Kitty.. Pre
