• 8 years ago
A sneak peek of our most recent photo shoot starring Kaleena
Hammond as the model.With Adapter Adapter merchandise we haven't shown yet.Stay tuned to our release of the polished photos at www.tcelrecognition.ca under model profiles . Hope you enjoy, more to come from AdapterAdapter and many other performers!

Adapter Adapter (Official) adapteradapter.com3

Adapter Adapter (FaceBook) https://www.facebook.com/adapteradapterofficial?fref=ts

Model: Kaleena Hammond : https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=437039206452782&__mref=message_bubble

T.C.E.L Recognition - (FaceBook) https://www.facebook.com/TCELsRecognition

T.C.E.L Recognition - (Twitter) https://twitter.com/RecognitionTCEL


