Most Botched Matches 2015

  • 8 years ago
Ah, the Most Botched Matches Of The Year list. 2014's edition got some flack for featuring matches that were bad because of the crowd reactions than because of the match itself, so it's all shite matches (and video game music) this time around. Getting this under fifteen minutes was a bitch, so there was no time for a DISHONOURABLE MENTIONS bit so feel free to list your alternatives.


10. Tag Team Elimination Match (WWE Elimination Chamber 2015)
9. Genichiro Tenryu vs. Kazuchika Okada (Tenryu Project Retirement Final)
8. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Myzteziz (AAA Triplemania XXIII)
7. Battle Hive vs. Wrecking Crew (Chikara For British Eyes Only)
6. Lucha Dragons vs. New Day vs. Prime Time Players vs. Los Matadores (WWE Summerslam)
5. Nick Gage vs. Chris Dickinson (Beyond Wrestling When Satan Rules His World)
4. Wyatt Family vs. Dudleys, Rhino & Tommy Dreamer (WWE TLC)
3. Nikki Bella vs. Charlotte (WWE Hell In A Cell)
2. Akebono vs. Jun Akiyama (AJPW Royal Road Tournament 2015 Final)
1. IC Elimination Chamber (WWE Elimination Chamber)


Los Villanos vs. Los Psycho Circus from AAA TripleMania XXIII got a -***** rating from Dave Meltzer, but a match has to actually feature wrestling to have botches in it. Hence The Worst Match Ever not appearing on this list.

Sin Cara I and II are both in this list. I don't know what happened to Sin Cara II this year but he really did just start cosplaying as his clone twin. The gimmick is cursed like The Monkey's Paw.

I wasn't going to include Tenryu's last match until it was voted Match of The Year in Japan.

A match between Gage and Dickinson was always going to be scrappy, so I felt like mentioning how good the match was to balance it being on this list. After all, I don't want to see a fucking Figure Four Leg Lock from these two.

The members of The Wrecking Crew would like me to remind whoever is reading this that they were all incredibly jet-lagged and so we should be a bit more considerate. Aye.

NJPW is on everybody's lips at the minute and then you watch AJPW and see Akebono winning tournaments when he looks like he should be headlining a morgue.

Number One shouldn't be a shock for anyone who's seen it. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, the commentators didn't know what was happening, Mark Henry looked lost rather than a grizzled vet....yeah. You can tell me numbers two to ten were wrong but nothing's going to change my views on this 'un.

Wookie Hole by David Wise (Battletoads)
Stage Theme 2 by Hirohiko Takayama, Tsukamoto (Lemmings, Mega Drive)
Rocket Rider (Ch 3 Dark World) by dB soundworks (Super Meat Boy)
Fight 2 by Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy IV)
Level 1 That Old Army Gameby Patrick Collins, Andy Blythe, Marten Joustra and Allister Brimble (Toy Story, Mega Drive)
The Vital Vitriol (Plague Knight Battle) by Jake Kaufman (Shovel Knight)
Hydrocity Zone 2 by Howard Drossin (Sonic 3)
Italy by Jeroen Tel (OutRun Europa, C64)
Empire - The Final Assault Kazuo Hanzawa (Gunstar Heroes)