• 9 years ago
Sitkari Pranayama has a calming and cooling effect upon the body and mind. These are especially useful in summer when several people experience restlessness due to heat. Practicing these Pranayama not only cools the body's core temperature but also the mind thus making one feel serene, peaceful and calm in a moment. It has great energizing, soothing, relaxing and cooling effects on all the nerve channels and on the whole body. This pranayama also helps in stemming acidity of the stomach and blood pressure.First be seated comfortably in any of the meditative postures like Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana. Keep the waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. Keep both your hands on the knees. Sit comfortably closing your eyes. Bring your jaws together. Now place the front portion of the tongue against the front teeth and the rest of the tongue on the palate. Keep the lips open. Now inhale through the mouth. Inhale through the right and left side of the lips while making the sound "Si-Si". After inhaling, close your mouth. Retain breath. After retaining your breath comfortably as long as possible and exhale through both nostrils.
