Yoga For Heart - Cure Heart and Treatment In Tamil

  • 9 years ago
Due to the stressful life, we find lot of people developing heart problems at a very early age. Yoga has lot of asanas and pranayamas to improve the health of your heart. You can do these asanas if you have heart problem or to avoid them.

Disease is a manifestation of underlying disharmony in the mind- body domain. Yogic way of life offers a solution to elevate the health of body, mind and soul. Yoga is a cure for many diseases - diabetes, obesity and psychiatric illnesses - as much as it offers immense benefits to alleviate heart diseases.

Yoga has an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases that includes recurrence of heart attacks, hypertension and coronary heart diseases. Yoga influences the hypothalamus directly, the area of the brain that controls endocrine activity, and helps prevent heart attacks.
