• 9 years ago
Modern urban lifestyle has had an adverse effect on kids and obesity has emerged as a major problem. The factors for this are many, including television, computers etc. These factors along with reduced physical and outdoor activity has contributed to making this problem in kids a big menace.

Yoga is the best way to combat obesity in kids and it not just helps children to control their weight but also makes them physically and mentally fit. This video features a specifically designed Yoga regimen for kids.Yoga for sexier abs & buttocks, relieve the mind, yoga for a good body and more. Simple effective daily asanas, routines and workouts in Hindi.
Yoga is way of living. Yoga is not only exercise but it also help you lead good and healthy life, make you look good and stay happy. Acharaya says, like you clean utensil before using them, you have to clean your body also. He will give you all minor details with the help of which you will be able to perform yoga asana.
