Prithvi Mudra - To Treat Fatigue, Natural Cure for Acidity, Agni-Shaamak Mudra - English

  • 8 years ago
Prithvi Mudra or Agni-Shaamak Mudra

Popularly known as Prithvi mudra, this mudra increases the Prithvi (earth) element within the body. At the same time, it decreases the Agni (fire) element. Therefore, it can also be called Agni-shaamak mudra.
Prithvi Mudra restores energy in the root chakra. Prithvi mudra increases earth element in the body, thereby providing nourishment to all the organs having deficiency of any sort.

Method of performing Prithvi Mudra:

Here are the steps of Prithvi Mudra:

The Prithvi Mudra can be performed while sitting down in the Padma Asana (Lotus Pose) or Sukha Asana (Easy Pose) or while standing up straight in the Tada Asana (Mountain Pose).

Touch the tip off the ring finger of each hand to the tip of the thumb. The rest of the fingers should be pointing straight.

Hold this position for some time.

30 to 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts (i.e., for 10 to 15 minutes, thrice a day). However, people with kapha deficiency can do it even for longer periods.


People with Kapha dominant body should refrain from doing Prithvi Mudra. It should be avoided if you are suffering from cough and cold.

Prithvi Mudra can also be practiced during meditation. You can take your awareness to root chakra (Mooladhara) and affirm that the earth is giving me stability and providing me with nourishment and happiness.

Effects of Prithvi Mudra:

Prithvi-vardhak mudra increases the Prithvi (earth) element within the body but decreases the Agni (fire) element within the body.

The element earth is a vital component of bodily tissues like bones, cartilage, skin, hair, nails, flesh, muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc.

Practice of Prithvi-vardhak mudra builds and invigorates these tissues.
In other words, this mudra increases vitality, strength and endurance.

Benefits of Prithvi Mudra:

Chronic fatigue, general debility, convalescence
Lack of stamina or endurance.
Inexplicable weight-loss, emaciation.
Osteoporosis osteomalacia (diminished bone-density), rickets.
Fracture (to expedite union).
Degeneration of articular cartilage (Osteo-Arthritis).
Weak, atrophied muscles, myopathies, Paresis, paralysis, poliomyelitis.
Dry, cracked, burning, mature skin, Skin-rashes, urticaria, Brittle nails.

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