• 9 years ago
Padahastasana, or the standing forward bend (literally feet to hands pose), is the eleventh posture in the sequence of 12 basic postures of hatha yoga. It is an inverted posture which provides many of the same benefits of the seated forward bend: the main physical benefit is to stretch the entire backside of the body from the head to the heels.

Physical Benefits :
Stretches the hamstrings on the back of the legs
Stretches and lengthens the entire spine
Massages the internal organs, especially the digestive organs
Relieves digestive problems such as constipation
Relieves problems with sciatica
Invigorates the nervous system
Increases the supply of blood to the brain
Removes flesh from the abdomen

Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :- http://bit.ly/Yog-Sadhana-App
