• 9 years ago
Suryanamaskar Yoga :

Watch a complete demonstration of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). It is one of the most popular and useful yoga practices. It's a combination of twelve asanas, which exercises the whole body in single stretch one by one.

Benefits Of Surya Namaskar :-

1. Surya Namaskar is a complete body exercise. It keeps all internal organs, stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, heart and lungs, healthy and strong. Also muscles of external body parts, chest, shoulders, hands, thighs, legs becomes healthy and strong. 2. It makes spine and waist flexible by removing disorders. It improves blood circulation in the body which removes skin diseases.
3. Sun Salutation keeps the digestive system perfect. Mental and physical energy levels are balanced. It provides power to our soul and body, maintains mental peace, memory, power, strength. Reduces ageing of the body, hair fall and graying, keeps diseases away. 4. It's also very useful for women to maintain beauty, keeping the body in shape by reducing extra fat and flat abdomen. Also, helps to cure menstrual irregularity and easy child birth.

Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :- http://bit.ly/Yog-Sadhana-App
