Maulana Tariq Jameel spoke on real life examples, Islamic traditions, sayings of the
Prophet (PBUH) and verses from the Quran to accentuate the need for virtues of honesty,
truth and strength of character to deliver on the promise of civil service.
He likened civil service to a trust of Allah reposed in men, and urged customs and IRS
officers to see their role as guardians of a sacred trust in them by both government and
the Pakistan people and explained examples from history where such trustees brought
their charge safe to their masters even though they would have loved to use it
themselves but did not do so as they were bound by a trust. Just like those historical
heroes, the Customs and IRS officials also needed to collect tax out of people's
pockets' and deposit it in the national exchequer, and rely on government and the
Almighty Allah to take care of their own livelihood.
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Maulana Tariq Jameel also informed officers that they would be judged by Allah not on
basis of how much tax they collected but what character, truthfulness and integrity they
brought into their work, and how it benefited the public.
Prophet (PBUH) and verses from the Quran to accentuate the need for virtues of honesty,
truth and strength of character to deliver on the promise of civil service.
He likened civil service to a trust of Allah reposed in men, and urged customs and IRS
officers to see their role as guardians of a sacred trust in them by both government and
the Pakistan people and explained examples from history where such trustees brought
their charge safe to their masters even though they would have loved to use it
themselves but did not do so as they were bound by a trust. Just like those historical
heroes, the Customs and IRS officials also needed to collect tax out of people's
pockets' and deposit it in the national exchequer, and rely on government and the
Almighty Allah to take care of their own livelihood.
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Maulana Tariq Jameel also informed officers that they would be judged by Allah not on
basis of how much tax they collected but what character, truthfulness and integrity they
brought into their work, and how it benefited the public.