Former sitcom actor Tom Hanks is the much-beloved star of such Hollywood hits as Splash, Big, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Toy Story and many more.
Born on July 9, 1956, in Concord, California, actor Tom Hanks began performing with the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival in 1977, later moving to New York City. He starred on the television sitcom Bosom Buddies, but became far more known when he starred in Ron Howard's Splash. He went on to star in many popular and acclaimed films and is now arguably one of the most powerful and well-respected actor in Hollywood.
Born on July 9, 1956, in Concord, California, actor Tom Hanks began performing with the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival in 1977, later moving to New York City. He starred on the television sitcom Bosom Buddies, but became far more known when he starred in Ron Howard's Splash. He went on to star in many popular and acclaimed films and is now arguably one of the most powerful and well-respected actor in Hollywood.
Short film