How shall the people in the heaven see the people in the hell?

  • 9 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: “Mr. Adnan Oktar, if the people of the hell do not have a soul, and if they feel pain not inside their body but inside their soul, then they do not suffer from pain at all. When the people of the heaven see the people of the hell, shall the only thing that they could see be the images of people who are suffering? How could you clarify this issue? If you cannot be sure of that, those who see shall be scared. They are bawling there, in the hell, they are quite disturbed. Even though they say these people do not have a soul and, thus do not feel pain, you would be scared half to death. As they do not prove that out clearly, they would be scared.

However, God shall not persecute anyone under any circumstances. God says in the verse, "God does not wrong people in any way; rather it is people who wrong themselves." It is a blessing for believers to see that blasphemy is penalized. God does so as a gratification for the believers. God does that in order to sat