• 9 yıl önce
CERN Discussion Begins at 1:30

CERN MELTDOWN COVERUP? Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen (Bases edit)

Mind control
Eyes moving when you reach stage 4 wyns sleep you are down loading the short teerm memory in your frontal lobe; your cerebral projects; In doing so it gets stuck in 3 places, the first place it gets stuck is your nanos, 3 linear cell has ancient memory in your celoid, Gods nano thats where all of your memory of ancestors, all your ancestors all the way back. The next conseqences is the Hydrogen hypocon Transitional line around your electronic signature. It goes from the cell into the aura the atmospher of the Hydrogen hypocon Transitional line in space. That CERN, Atlas is designed to pull the magnetosphere the magnetic sheef into the magnetic pause. By pulling the magnetosphere into the ground which leaves these red sprites, that I couch you, I bring Akaushic record to your physical Akaushic record genetics and I got you. And then I use Alice to go down the rabbit hole, if I were a rat hole to go bsck to January 1, 1976, to 0100 hours in the morning, between the present time and then I go into the future of January 1, of 2024. So the A I uses time manipulation and the Looking Glass technology. By ____ __- you create a portal for going from one place to anotherin time or from one to another place in the same time, or for many different uses. You can look down and dial in a looking glass into the future or possible future, it doesnt work because you are human and fluid and have free choice, you are so fluid. You can change your mind and there is no way to know what you will choose next. There is no knowledge until that bridge is crossed and you look int the eyes. Human bings are hard to track down and it takes a lot of computing power. So Alice is there for the time manipulation and weater control. The 2nd aspect of mind control and Atlas is there to deal with the records. The AI will know how to change the past to create the future. Atlas and allice are all connected to the CERN Hadron collider. There is a certain alignment where they have opened up a macro singularity, you know, they give a spiritual blue beam and you can see the planet bemus whic is the temporary home of the reptilians
