Frozen manhole explosion kills two men in Chinese city

  • 9 years ago
BAYANNUR, CHINA — Horrifying CCTV footage of a deadly accident in China has surfaced online, showing two men blasted by a manhole cover that explodes beneath them.

The video, uploaded to LiveLeak, shows two cleaners in the city of Bayannur in Inner Mongolia as they attempt to thaw out a frozen manhole cover by lighting it on fire.

The pair is seen crouched around the cover moments before a sudden blast engulfs them in smoke and sends debris flying everywhere. The two men were killed instantly.

The Mirror, citing CCTV News China, reports that the explosion was caused by methane, an extremely flammable gas that was inside the manhole.

Instead of lighting it on fire, the men should have used hot water, which would have easily thawed out the frozen metal, especially as it is dangerous and potentially fatal to put a flame anywhere near a gas pipe.


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