• 9 yıl önce
Nerdsmerized is a place where I give my opinion on everything from movies and TV shows to comics and nerd news. I do movie reviews, tv show episode reviews, comic book reviews, news on upcoming film and History Of episodes.
Check out my other videos elow
Movie and TV Reviews:
Dragon Ball Z : Light of Hope review

Power Ranger short film Review

Flash ep. 10 Review

Arrow season 3 left behind review

Dc news:
How lex Luthor can work

First look at Jason Mamoa as AquaMan

5 things that need to happen in the Green Lantern Movie

Lantern Corps Oaths

David Ramsey talks Green Lantern

The Flash the Road So Far

Character Break Down-SUPERMAN

Marvel news:
Deadpool first images

Stephen Amell is Casey Jones

Spiderman Black Donald Glover wants in

Young NightCrawler cast

Deadpool movie Details

Spiderman joins the MCU

Luke Mitchell joins Agents of Shield

X-Men TV Show in the Works

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