A Bill Still documentary. The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private .
This is by far one of, if not the, best movie on the history of the monetary system! The content is amazing while the aesthetics & cinematography are not exactly .
Professor Niall Ferguson examines the origins of the pillars of the worlds financial system, and how behind every great historical phenomenon -- empires and .
Alex talks with the minds behind the classic 1995 documentary The Money Masters, Patrick S. J. Carmack and William T. Still. Topics .
This is by far one of, if not the, best movie on the history of the monetary system! The content is amazing while the aesthetics & cinematography are not exactly .
Professor Niall Ferguson examines the origins of the pillars of the worlds financial system, and how behind every great historical phenomenon -- empires and .
Alex talks with the minds behind the classic 1995 documentary The Money Masters, Patrick S. J. Carmack and William T. Still. Topics .
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