German Angst - Does Merkel have a Plan B? | Quadriga

  • 8 years ago
German Angst - Does Merkel have a Plan B? - There’s no end in sight to Germany’s refugee crisis with between three and four thousand new migrants arriving in the country every day. 60 per cent of Germans now believe Chancellor Merkel no longer has the situation under control. The New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne have triggered a bitter public debate.

Angela Merkel is under massive pressure. Can she survive the biggest test of her career? And does she have a Plan B?

Our guests:

Judy Dempsey currently works as a Senior Associate at Carnegie Europe and editor-in-chief of Strategic Europe.
Alan Posener is an Anglo-German author and regular commentator for the Berlin based newspaper “Die Welt”.
Erik Kirschbaum has worked for Reuters and is currently a correspondent for the Los Angeles Times in Berlin.


