Bud's Gun Shop: Sending 7.62X39 AK rounds 230 ...
Here we celebrate Independence Day (July 4th) by revisiting the endeavor of chewing up a block wall, except this time with my vintage AR-15 A2 using 64 grain ...
first 3 rounds NATO FMJ, next 3 rounds .223 green tracers, then last 3 .233 incindiary rounds. If you listen, you can here the report off the steel plate on the first 6 ...
AR 15 Tracers VS Block Wall
AR 15 Tracers VS Block Wall
Here we celebrate Independence Day (July 4th) by revisiting the endeavor of chewing up a block wall, except this time with my vintage AR-15 A2 using 64 grain ...
first 3 rounds NATO FMJ, next 3 rounds .223 green tracers, then last 3 .233 incindiary rounds. If you listen, you can here the report off the steel plate on the first 6 ...
AR 15 Tracers VS Block Wall
AR 15 Tracers VS Block Wall
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