Hey diddle diddle rhyme Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such fun And the dish ran away .\r
Hey Diddle Diddle Lyrics ***** Hey diddle diddle, The Cat and the fiddle, The Cow jumped over the moon. The little Dog laughed, To see such sport, And the .\r
A collection of edewcate english nursery rhymes for kids.\r
You may like to Watch TingooKids Channel for nursery rhymes, Aesops fables, stories, kids songs, Christmas carols and learning videos. New content uploaded .
Hey Diddle Diddle Lyrics ***** Hey diddle diddle, The Cat and the fiddle, The Cow jumped over the moon. The little Dog laughed, To see such sport, And the .\r
A collection of edewcate english nursery rhymes for kids.\r
You may like to Watch TingooKids Channel for nursery rhymes, Aesops fables, stories, kids songs, Christmas carols and learning videos. New content uploaded .
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