• 9 yıl önce
GOLGO 13 ゴルゴ 13 Queen Bee - Turquoise Blue by Fujimaru Yoshino 芳野藤丸.\r
ending de Golgo 13 Queen Bee,\r
My 5th AMV. The video clips come from the 2 Golgo 13 movies (the Professional and Queen Bee). The song is Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC. This AMV was \r
Turquoise Blue / Eric Zay.\r
Official trailer for the film Golgo 13: Queen Bee.\r
Lets finish off Golgo-month with this 1998-OVA. The sequel to the classic 83 masterpiece The Professional takes badass motherfucker Golgo 13 (and therefo\r
This week, an in-depth look at the further adventures of Super Moe Waifu-Chan Nah, who am I kidding? Its more Golgo. In part two of our mini-feature on e\r
a video blend of Golgo 13 the Queen bee & Nass Revelutionary Warfare feat. Lakey mixed by V.J.-E.R. taken from aV.J.-E.R. PresentsDVD of nas blends..\r
In this sequel of the Professional Golgo 13, Duke Togos target is a female assassin called the Queen Bee who is planning to kill the presidential candidate,
